128 items found

Tags: Software

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  • dataset

    Additional file 5 of LtrDetector: A tool-suite for detecting long terminal re...

    LTR retrotransposons found by LtrDetector in Glycine max. This compressed file (.tar.gz) includes the LTR retrotransposons found by LtrDetector in BED format. (TAR.GZ 929 kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 4: of f-treeGC: a questionnaire-based family tree-creation so...

    f-sheet; a printed paper version of the questionnaire in f-treeGC. (XLSX 57 kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 9 of LtrDetector: A tool-suite for detecting long terminal re...

    LTR retrotransposons found by LtrDetector in Zea mays. This compressed file (.tar.gz) includes the LTR retrotransposons found by LtrDetector in BED format. (TAR.GZ 4278 kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 3 of LtrDetector: A tool-suite for detecting long terminal re...

    The synthetic sequences. This compressed file (.tar.gz) includes the synthetic sequences with different mutation rates. (TAR.GZ 1872 kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 3: of f-treeGC: a questionnaire-based family tree-creation so...

    A pedigree file of Fig. 2b; a hypothetical pedigree representative of a family with von Hippel-Lindau syndrome, partially modified from Bennett et al. [1, 7]. (FTGC 9 kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 4: of SWIFT-Review: a text-mining workbench for systematic re...

    Tox21 chemical names and synonyms. (XLSX 3996 kb)
  • dataset

    Survey On The Usage Of Mathematical Modelling, Simulation And Optimization So...

    This dataset contains the result of a survey we carried out in the context of the MSO4SC project in order to know which kinds of tools for simulation were using our...
  • dataset

    Additional file 8 of LtrDetector: A tool-suite for detecting long terminal re...

    LTR retrotransposons found by LtrDetector in Sorghum bicolor. This compressed file (.tar.gz) includes the LTR retrotransposons found by LtrDetector in BED format. (TAR.GZ 891 kb)
  • dataset

    Software Requirement Risk Prediction Dataset

    @attribute Requirements {'The system shall display all the products that can be configured.','The system shall allow user to select the product to...
  • publication

    DMDtoolkit: a tool for visualizing the mutated dystrophin protein and predict...

    Background Dystrophinopathy is one of the most common human monogenic diseases which results in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD). Mutations...
  • publication

    metaX: a flexible and comprehensive software for processing metabolomics data

    Background Non-targeted metabolomics based on mass spectrometry enables high-throughput profiling of the metabolites in a biological sample. The large amount of data generated...
  • publication

    NEAT: a framework for building fully automated NGS pipelines and analyses

    Background: The analysis of next generation sequencing (NGS) has become a standard task for many laboratories in the life sciences. Though there exists several tools to support...
  • publication

    Bioalerts: a python library for the derivation of structural alerts from bioa...

    Background Assessing compound toxicity at early stages of the drug discovery process is a crucial task to dismiss drug candidates likely to fail in clinical trials. Screening...
  • publication

    GUIDEseq: a bioconductor package to analyze GUIDE-Seq datasets for CRISPR-Cas...

    Background Genome editing technologies developed around the CRISPR-Cas9 nuclease system have facilitated the investigation of a broad range of biological questions. These...
  • publication

    gtrellis: an R/Bioconductor package for making genome-level Trellis graphics

    Background Trellis graphics are a visualization method that splits data by one or more categorical variables and displays subsets of the data in a grid of panels. Trellis...
  • publication

    Vcfanno: fast, flexible annotation of genetic variants

    ABSTRACTBackgroundThe integration of genome annotations and reference databases is critical to the identification of genetic variants that may be of interest in studies of...
  • publication

    MultiDataSet: an R package for encapsulating multiple data sets with applicat...

    BACKGROUND: Reduction in the cost of genomic assays has generated large amounts of biomedical-related data. As a result, current studies perform multiple experiments in the same...
  • publication

    Roar: detecting alternative polyadenylation with standard mRNA sequencing lib...

    Background Post-transcriptional regulation is a complex mechanism that plays a central role in defining multiple cellular identities starting from a common genome. Modifications...