27 items found

Types: dataset Groups: Datacite Open Access ZENODO Tags: Developmental Biology Sociology Space Science

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    Transcription events constructed by txrevise

    List of pre-computed transcription events constructed by txrevise. See the txrevise home page for more details: https://github.com/kauralasoo/txrevise. If you use txrevise...
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    This Dataset contains the 70,427 user IDs both identified on Twitter and GitHub. It's a csv file (seperated by ,) where the first column is the twitter user ID(of 'STRING'...
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    Example HDF5 / NeXus data set from Diamond Light Source I04 with Eiger 2 16M ...

    Updated version with fixed master NeXus file - with the correct depends-on hierarchy added: + . + /entry/sample/transformations/omega +...
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    Bayesian evaluation of the mass calibration example from EA 4/02

    The example describes how the measurement uncertainty of the calibration of a 10 kg weight can be performed using Bayes’ rule and a measurement model. The purpose of the...
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    CodiEsp-abstracs: Abstracts from Lilacs and Ibecs with ICD10 codes

    JSON file with abstracts from Lilacs and Ibecs with ICD10 codes (ICD10-CM and ICD10-PCS) associated to them (CIE10 in Spanish). These databases have MeSH terms...
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    Humans exploit robust locomotion by improving the stability of control signals

    Background Is the control of movement less stable when we walk or run in challenging settings? Intuitively, one might answer that it is, given that adding constraints to...
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    Penerapan Aplikasi Quizizz dalam Pembelajaran

    Video berikut ini merupakan laporan praktik dari pelatihan Pembelajaran Smartphone yang diselenggarakan oleh MGMP Fisika SMA Kabupaten Klaten pada 27-28 April 2019. Praktik...
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    Questionnaire data

    This is the dataset related my work
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    This dataset contains 70,427 cross-linked Twitter-[GHTorrent](http://ghtorrent.org) user pairs identified as likely belonging to the same users. The dataset accompanies our...
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    On-street parking supply

    On-street parking supply in the Brussels-Capital Region
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    Supplementary Audio Files For Doctoral Thesis

    The archive contains audio files that are referred to in the doctoral thesis of Frederik Rietdijk.
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    IO Islamic 2934. Sa'îdnâma, History of the Ruler of the Carnatic Sa'âdat-allâ...

    IO Islamic 2934. Sa’îdnâma, History of the Ruler of the Carnatic Sa’âdat-allâhkhân
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    Tweets in Space: Geo-tagged Tweet IDs 08/03/18 - 01/12/20

    Geo-tagged tweet IDs from August 3, 2018 to January 12, 2020. Intended for academic use only. Commercial use violates Twitter's Developer Terms and Policy. Utilities and...
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    Outcome of Childhood Adrenocortical Carcinoma in Developing Countries. Supplementary Table 1: Patients’ characteristics and endocrinal manifestations
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    InVID Fake Video Corpus v1.0

    The InVID TV Fake Video Corpus is a small collection of verified fake videos. It was developed in the context of the InVID project with the aim of gaining a perspective of the...
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    Supplementary Table 1

    Commensal rodent species are key reservoirs for Toxoplasma gondii in the domestic environment. In rodents, different T. gondii strains show variable patterns of virulence...
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    The Flaring Activity Of M Dwarfs In Kepler Field

    The Kepler flux, M dwarfs that include flares,the format consist of four columns: BKJD  Relative Flux  Fit line   Flare Flux the Relative flux wil be empty when flares occur,...
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    InSAR Stack of Kuju volcano in Kyushu, Japan from ALOS-1

    A stack of unwrapped interferograms on Kuju volcano, Kyushu, Japan Sensor: ALOS-1 PALSAR ascending track 422 frame 650 Time: 2007.01.06 - 2011.01.17, 24 acquisitions, 167...
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    These are html-tables of  possible quotations/parallel passages within the etexts contained in the gretil-collection. For the code and description see:...
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    Voter Autrement, données Hérouville-St-Clair 2017

    Donées de l'expérience Voter Autrement, Hérouville-St-Clair 2017