31,891 items found

Organisations: RISIS2OpenData Groups: figshare Tags: Biochemistry

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    N2 Schafer Lab N2 (Bristol, UK) | 2011-02-04T11:11:03+00:00

    This experiment is part of the C.elegans behavioural database. For more information and the complete collection of experiments visit http://movement.openworm.org preview...
  • dataset

    SDG Paper Datasets

    This resource contains dataset used in the paper describing the SDG software framework: "A Sequence Distance Graph framework for genome assembly and analysis"....
  • dataset


    List of 382 SRSF1-regulated cassette exons determined by exon arrays (cassette exons tab) and list of SRSF1-regulated cassette exons with SRSF1-clip-tags CLIP tag over casette...
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    Darpa Fy 1997 Funding List

    DARPA FY 1997 Funding (Contract) List
  • dataset

    Auditory stream segregation and selective attention for cochlear implant list...

    Data set generated for the study "Auditory stream segregation and selective attention for cochlear implant listeners: Evidence from behavioral measures and event-related...
  • dataset

    FX863 acr-7(tm863)II | 2010-02-23T11:53:52+00:00

    This experiment is part of the C.elegans behavioural database. For more information and the complete collection of experiments visit http://movement.openworm.org preview...
  • dataset

    PS312 P. pacificus Wild Isolate | 2011-06-01T12:51:24+01:00

    This experiment is part of the C.elegans behavioural database. For more information and the complete collection of experiments visit http://movement.openworm.org preview...
  • dataset

    Aq2932 Nca-2(Gk5)Iii; Unc-77(Gk9)Iv; Nzis29[Punc-17::Rho-1(G14V); Punc-122::G...

    This experiment is part of the C.elegans behavioural database. For more information and the complete collection of experiments visit http://movement.openworm.org preview...
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    Regulatory role of rpL3 in cell response to nucleolar stress induced by Act D...

    Many chemotherapeutic drugs cause nucleolar stress and p53-independent pathways mediating the nucleolar stress response are emerging. Here, we demonstrate that ribosomal stress...
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    N2 Schafer Lab N2 (Bristol, UK) | 2010-01-14T10:32:00+00:00

    This experiment is part of the C.elegans behavioural database. For more information and the complete collection of experiments visit http://movement.openworm.org preview...
  • dataset

    Eocene Data (Raw)

    The Eocene data from the Paleobiology Database (www.paleobiodb.org), downloaded 10-09-2013. Please note that this is raw data, un-culled. See the manuscript for a discussion of...
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    Additional file 3: of Agonist redirected checkpoint, PD1-Fc-OX40L, for cancer...

    Figure S2. Human PD1-Fc-OX40L ARC binds via Fc and OX40L domains using ELISA, and to the neonatal receptor FcRn using SPR. (TIF 1003 kb)
  • dataset

    OW949 zgIs125[P(dat-1)::alpha-Synuclein::YFP] | 2014-04-12T18:18:00+02:00

    This experiment is part of the C.elegans behavioural database. For more information and the complete collection of experiments visit http://movement.openworm.org...
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    Proteomic analysis of synaptic protein turnover in the anterior cingulate cor...

    Abstract Synaptic proteins play an important role for the regulation of synaptic plasticity. Numerous studies have identified and revealed individual synaptic protein functions...
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    Additional file 5: of Growth zone segmentation in the milkweed bug Oncopeltus...

    Raw measurement data for eve. CSV file including the raw measurement data for eve expression. Each column is a single embryo, with each cell representing a summation of pixel...
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    This experiment is part of the C.elegans behavioural database. For more information and the complete collection of experiments visit http://movement.openworm.org preview...
  • dataset

    CE1047 egl-30(ep271)I | 2010-02-26T09:43:11+00:00

    This experiment is part of the C.elegans behavioural database. For more information and the complete collection of experiments visit http://movement.openworm.org preview...
  • dataset

    FX2146 ser-6(tm2146)IV | 2009-12-14T12:24:29+00:00

    This experiment is part of the C.elegans behavioural database. For more information and the complete collection of experiments visit http://movement.openworm.org preview...
  • dataset

    Supp_Table3: Model fitting: detailed models

    Supp_Table3: Model fitting: detailed models
  • dataset

    Additional file 1: of Transcriptome analysis reveals new microRNAs-mediated p...

    Table S1. The primers used for qRT-PCR in this study. (XLSX 12 kb)