7 items found

Tags: test dynABE

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    Online update experiments with Jinchuan.

    Here we show common hyperparameter combinations and their effects on online update’s misclassification error. Then we grid search on the validation set and present the searched...
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    Comparison between baseline models and dynABE on the validation set.

    Here we use misclassification errors as the evaluation metric. The best baseline performances are italicized, and the best overall performances are bolded.
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    Evaluations on trading strategies.

    The returns have been annualized using 250 days as the number of trading days in a year.
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    Comparison of stacking and online update errors.

    The best performance of each company is bolded.
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    Misclassification errors of each advisor for all three companies during the v...

    The best performance of each advisor is bolded.
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    Online update experiments with Sumitomo.

    Online update experiments with Sumitomo.
  • dataset

    Dynamic Advisor-Based Ensemble (dynABE): Case study in stock trend prediction...

    Stock trend prediction is a challenging task due to the market’s noise, and machine learning techniques have recently been successful in coping with this challenge. In this...