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Tags: stomata

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    Supplemental Dataset 19: Seed sources used in this study.

    Supplemental Dataset 19: Seed sources used in this study. For each IL, the original source of seed is provided. Germplasm was derived from two separate gifts from Dani Zamir...
  • dataset


    This spreadsheet contains trait data for all 5831 species of mammals that lived during the last ~130,000 years including both extant and extinct species. This data includes body...
  • dataset

    Supplemental Table 2

    Complete list of proteins identified in adult female Brugia malayi extracellular vesicle (EV) proteome. Proteins extracted from EVs were subject to nano-scale LC-MS/MS. Spectral...
  • dataset

    Image analysis scripts

    MATLAB scripts used for automatic image analysis. See README file included in the archive for further details.
  • dataset

    Supplemental Dataset 8: Traits used from other studies.

    Supplemental Dataset 8: Traits used from other studies. A list of traits meta-analyzed in this study. Traits are assigned to classes: “ENZ,” enzymatic activity measured from the...
  • dataset

    Supplemental Table 1

    Database of figured and reposited Helicoprion specimens. Column abbreviation and notes: #, database index number; Inst Acro, Institutional acronym for specimen; Spec., Specimen...
  • dataset

    Supplemental Dataset 12: Jackknifing results for significant correlations bet...

    Supplemental Dataset 12: Jackknifing results for significant correlations between DEV and traits of other classes. A table of jackknifing results: only those correlations...
  • dataset

    Supplemental Dataset 7: Descriptions of traits and modeling.

    Supplemental Dataset 7: Descriptions of traits and modeling. Following the abbreviation for each trait, which is used in the main text and figures, is a description of the...