19 items found

Tags: pulse wave velocity

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  • dataset

    Eberson raw data

    Each sheet contains Figures 1-5.
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    Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics in women with systemic lupus erythematosus (n = 47).
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    Effect of cholecalciferol supplementation on arterial stiffness: a systematic...

    Background: Vitamin D deficiency increases risk of cardiovascular diseases, arterial stiffness, and endothelial dysfunction. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis...
  • dataset

    Data Collection Protocol for the Mr. Bean Study.

    Data Collection Protocol for the Mr. Bean Study.
  • dataset

    Should we calculate arterial stiffness gradient in middle-aged women with inc...

    Purpose: The study was designed to evaluate clinical and laboratory determinants pulse wave velocity (PWV) ratio in women at the age of 50–65 years without overt cardiovascular...
  • dataset

    Baseline values for men and women.

    Baseline values for men and women.
  • dataset

    Associations between infant pulse wave velocity and maternal hypertension (sy...

    Associations between infant pulse wave velocity and maternal hypertension (systolic BP ≥ 140 and diastolic BP ≥ 90) in the Baby VIP Study.
  • dataset


    Associations of baseline factors with fibroblast growth factor-23 plasma concentrations in HIV-negative and HIV-positive participants.
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    Out of 276 subjects, 13 (5%) had a change in systolic BP >30 mmHg and 35 (13%) had a change in diastolic BP >15mmHg.
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    Cardiovascular risk factors in women with systemic lupus erythematosus <i>(n ...

    Cardiovascular risk factors in women with systemic lupus erythematosus (n = 47).
  • dataset


    Cardiorespiratory responses to one minute of breathing hyperoxia (mean ± SD).
  • dataset


    Linear regression models examining the association of physical activity intensity levels and sedentary time with pulse wave velocity in women with systemic lupus erythematosus...
  • dataset

    Brief exposure to Swedish snus causes divergent vascular responses in healthy...

    IntroductionThe use of Swedish oral moist snuff, known as snus, has for a long time been limited to the Scandinavian countries. With declining cigarette sales in the western...
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    Baby VIP Study sample characteristics categorised by maternal systolic blood pressure at 36 weeks gestation.
  • dataset


    Comparison of cardiovascular risk factors between BP dippers (n = 23) and non-dippers (n = 43).
  • dataset

    Demographic Characteristics.

    Mann-Whitney U test, SCQ: Social Communication Questionnaire, FSIQ: IQ total, VIQ: verbal IQ, PIQ: performance IQ, A: ADOS-A (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-A):...
  • dataset

    Unadjusted and adjusted PR for prevalent risk factors associated with non-dip...

    Unadjusted and adjusted PR for prevalent risk factors associated with non-dipping BP.
  • dataset

    Cardiopulmonary exercise data (mean ± SD).

    Cardiopulmonary exercise data (mean ± SD).