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    1. for Figure 3,4,5 a. 'Ground Attention.mat' —— The data of ground wave attenuation [     f0 —— four frequency   ...
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    Binary black-hole surrogate waveform catalog

    This repository contains all publicly available numerical relativity surrogate data for waveforms produced by the Spectral Einstein Code . The base method for building...
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    Reimnetze, Paronomasiekadenzen, Konsonanzketten und Wurzelsymmetrieren — Zur ...

    Abstract: Die Beobachtung und Beschreibung von lautlich korrelierten Figuren in altchinesischen Prosatexten bezog sich — wo sie seit Jiāng Yŏugàos 江有誥 (gest. 1851)...
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    A Forest of Guidelines for Inclusion & Diversity in STEM

    Presentation at IAUS 358: Astronomy for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion — a roadmap to action within the framework of the IAU 100th Anniversary.  Mitaka, Japan.   
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    More Info: Later published as: “The Extent of Tonal Irregularity in Pre-Qin Inscriptional Rhyming”, in: Anne O. Yue, Ting Pang-hsin & Hoh Dah-an eds., Hànyŭshĭ yánjiū — jìniàn...
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    Oc *P- Revisited

    Abstract: Although it had been noticed early on by the Qīng kăozhèng 考證 philologists, that certain pre­do­minantly lái 來-, yĭ以-, and xié 邪-initial phonetic series contained...
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    Twitter pre-trained word vectors

    Clean up of glove.twitter.27B.zip <ODC Public Domain Dedication and Licence (PDDL) 1.0>. "2B tweets, 27B tokens, 1.2M vocab, uncased" Changes from original...
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    Festival of Frequency Measurement, 1 October 2019, WWV/WWVH at 5 MHz Data measured and submitted by Jan A. Tarsala, WB6VRN Measurements made at K6TY, 34.1175, -118.0198,...