51 items found

Tags: fragmentation

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  • dataset


    Full dataset for 3 m segment. ID = pair-wise comparison, cat = dependent variable for logistic regression, pmem = dependent variable for multiple regression, forest = proportion...
  • dataset


    Full dataset for 25 m segment width. ID = pair-wise comparison, cat = dependent variable for logistic regression, pmem = dependent variable for multiple regression, forest =...
  • dataset


    Synthesis of acoustic data (presence or absence of Greater Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) for gap-crossing probability modelling and validation of the accumulated cost...
  • dataset


    Please see README.txt and further information in electronic supplementary material accompanying the paper.
  • dataset

    Bird movement data in response to playbacks, Fagan et al. 2016

    This file contains the data for the experimental playback trials with four species of birds, as described in Fagan et al. 2016. See the readme for more details. If you want...
  • dataset


    This file contains AFLP scores for 142 individuals of Pultenaea pauciflora at 1737 loci. The data file was created using the software 'TextPad'. Further details can be found in...
  • dataset


    Full dataset for 100 m segment. ID = pair-wise comparison, cat = dependent variable for logistic regression, pmem = dependent variable for multiple regression, forest =...
  • dataset


    This folder includes 4 data files, 3 metadata files, and 4 R scripts.
  • dataset

    "Globally" filtered SNPs

    VCF file containing 6490 "globally filtered" SNPs for all Eucalyptus microcarpa samples
  • dataset


    Example of Bootstrap Iteration for 50 m segment width. ID = pair-wise comparison, cat = dependent variable for logistic regression, pmem = dependent variable for multiple...
  • dataset


    Example of Bootstrap Iteration for 1000 m segment width. ID = pair-wise comparison, cat = dependent variable for logistic regression, pmem = dependent variable for multiple...
  • dataset


    Example of Bootstrap Iteration for 400 m segment width. ID = pair-wise comparison, cat = dependent variable for logistic regression, pmem = dependent variable for multiple...
  • dataset


    Validation results for each regression. LR = Logistic regression, MR = Multiple regression. Results are given as count data in 50 bootstrap increments and proportions of...
  • dataset


    Full dataset for 400 m segments. ID = pair-wise comparison, cat = dependent variable for logistic regression, pmem = dependent variable for multiple regression, forest =...
  • dataset


    Occurrence of all known frugivore species that feed on Euterpe edulis fruits in the 22 palm populations sampled. [Spreadsheet document]
  • dataset


    Raw data for three separate urban forest samples of the city of Meran in Northern Italy. One is a random sample following I-tree protocol, one is a public tree inventory...
  • dataset


    Results of logistic regression models across 1000 bootstrap iterations. This file includes estimates, z values and p-values for parameter estimates and full models.
  • dataset

    Apparent emigration logistic GLMM data

    Data in Excel spreadsheet format for GLMM analysis of emigration patterns of male agile antechinus. Dispersal patterns were identified from the natal and post-dispersal...
  • dataset

    Sleep disruptions and durations.

    Sleep disruptions and durations.
  • dataset

    Experimental factorial design.

    Experimental factorial design.