11 items found

Tags: covariation

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    R code used to complete the meta-analysis
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    Effect sizes for meta-analysis of the relationships between behavior x physiology and behavior x life-history correlations based on published data from 42 articles and 30...
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    Autism-Specific Covariation in Perceptual Performances: "<i>g</i>" or "<i>p</...

    BackgroundAutistic perception is characterized by atypical and sometimes exceptional performance in several low- (e.g., discrimination) and mid-level (e.g., pattern matching)...
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    List of 42 articles selected for meta-analysis after screening
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    Expected mean performance according to Model 1 at average intelligence and one SD above average intelligence a. Wechsler's Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) or b. Raven Progressive Matrices...
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    Model 1 (Effect of intelligence on performance and between group differences ...

    Model 1 (Effect of intelligence on performance and between group differences in performances) main results: a. Wechsler's Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) or b. Raven Progressive Matrices...
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    line "means" for partial warps and uniform components for wing shape used for the Partial Least Squares. See readme file.
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    Names of the alleles used in this study, and corresponding numbers used as identifiers. See readme file.
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    Phylogenetic tree built using phyloT for the 30 species used in the meta-analysis (Letunic 2015) Letunic, I. (2015). phyloT : Phylogenetic Tree Generator. [online]...
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    Model 2 (Between group differences in residual covariation) main results: a. ...

    Model 2 (Between group differences in residual covariation) main results: a. Wechsler's Full Scale IQ (FSIQ), or b. Raven Progressive Matrices (RPM).
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    Descriptive statistics for all participants including age and Wechsler's Inte...

    Descriptive statistics for all participants including age and Wechsler's Intelligence Scale IQ (FSIQ, VIQ, NVIQ) and Raven Progressive Matrices (RPM) scores: mean (standard...