13 items found

Tags: calculated

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    * calculated by dividing the number of patients with the outcome ‘complete patient clearance’ by the total number of patients for each treatment. †calculated by applying the...
  • dataset

    Differences of calculated heads of bare slope vs. observed values of grass la...

    Differences of calculated heads of bare slope vs. observed values of grass land/straw mulching.
  • dataset


    Note: *P-value is for the Wilcoxon rank-sum test for Females versus Males.
  • dataset


    Footnotes: QFT-GIT: QuantiFERON® Gold in Tube; HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; TB: tuberculosis; PPV: positive predictive value; NPV: negative predictive value; LR+: positive...
  • dataset


    Total N applied in the US in 2007 was 14.5 MMt at a value of US$11.5B. a14.5MMt x 0.01×(28+16 g mol−1 / 28 g mol−1 ) × 296×$15/t  =  US$1.01B.b(14.5 MMt N fertilizer US) / (83...
  • dataset

    Areal N<sub>2</sub> fixation rates (µmol N m<sup>−2</sup> d<sup>−1</sup>) cal...

    Uncertainties are derived from the standard errors of triplicate measurements for the 2011 cruise.
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    Error indexes of calculated vs. observed values.
  • dataset


    Forest system and forest type classes found in the Kinabatangan with flooding periods and extents in hectares (ha) as calculated from the Object-Based Image Analysis...
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    Design effects calculated for TAS-1 and TAS-2 cluster surveys.
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    Reconstructed woody cover and estimates of hominin sites associated with different tropical ecosystems (after ref. [51]), along with our calculated mean annual precipitation...
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    *Botswana Ministry of health Patient management system Roche Integra derived values. **Botswana Ministry of health reference values using the Beckman coulter AU680 analyzer.
  • dataset

    Values of and of HLC communities calculated in the bipartite graph of paper...

    The ratio , , and of fuzzy communities found by HLC algorithm calculated with fuzzy and crisp membership grades, respectively, with regard to the bipartite graph.
  • dataset


    The comparison of calculated population biochemical reference values for participants screened (N = 1786; Females = 770 and Males = 1016) for the TDF2 Botswana study with DAIDS...