305 items found

Tags: benefit

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  • dataset

    Probability of being the best treatment according to the p-score computing us...

    Probability of being the best treatment according to the p-score computing using frequentist network meta-analysis.
  • dataset

    Perceptions of hepatitis B among 728 study participants in Selangor, Malaysia...

    Perceptions of hepatitis B among 728 study participants in Selangor, Malaysia, 2016.
  • dataset


    Effect sizes, unconditional standard errors, confidence intervals and relative importance for parameters included in the top models investigating players' responses to being...
  • dataset

    Demographic data of 408 and 218 respondents from Curitiba and Joinville, resp...

    Demographic data of 408 and 218 respondents from Curitiba and Joinville, respectively, in an online survey from March to July 2018.
  • dataset

    Design and overview of stimuli conditions.

    Design and overview of stimuli conditions.
  • dataset


    Total number of adult long-term and short-term residents at the colony.
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    Summary for DB-M model fit indices.
  • dataset


    Percentage (n) of participants presenting with significant visual deficits at baseline, the proportion of these visual deficits which were unrecognised and/or unaddressed and,...
  • dataset

    Survey, focus group and interview participants.

    Survey, focus group and interview participants.
  • dataset

    The measurement model of DB-M baseline model fit results and tests of measure...

    The measurement model of DB-M baseline model fit results and tests of measurement and structure invariance.
  • dataset

    Effect sizes, unconditional standard errors, confidence intervals and relativ...

    Effect sizes, unconditional standard errors, confidence intervals and relative importance for parameters included in the top models for the binary response term encoding whether...
  • dataset

    Frequency of respondents’ % of papers co-authored.

    Frequency of respondents’ % of papers co-authored.
  • dataset


    Unadjusted mean costs and mean cost differences at baseline and over 9 months (British pounds, 2014–2015).
  • dataset

    List of 47 assessment criteria by categories (n = 5) and subcategories (n = 11).

    List of 47 assessment criteria by categories (n = 5) and subcategories (n = 11).
  • dataset

    Demographic data at baseline for the interviewed participants.

    Demographic data at baseline for the interviewed participants.
  • dataset

    Participant and methodological characteristics of identified studies.

    Note. ADHD, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; CFQ, Cognitive Failures Questionnaire; DBD, Disruptive Behaviors Disorders Rating Scale, ELBW, extremely low birth weight;...
  • dataset

    Systematic evaluation of written health information on PSA based screening in...

    BackgroundProstate-specific antigen (PSA) based screening for early detection of prostate cancer is common although it is associated with both benefits and potential harms...
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  • dataset


    The factors of display duration, disparity, stereoscopic contour, background type, and target object were fully crossed. Factors of location and background picture were...