37 items found

Tags: Sexual dimorphism

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  • dataset


    Datafile used for quantitative analyses of males and females Cochlostoma septemspirale. It contains the measurements for each individual. The file is saved in a tabbed text...
  • dataset

    Reply to Raia et al - Dryad data

    This is our raw data, for use with the attached R file.
  • dataset

    Additional file 2 of The behavioural and neuropathologic sexual dimorphism an...

    Additional file 2:Table S1. The mount of living mice and the events in each time point. Table S2. The data of P301S mice and WT mice in behavioral tests. Table S3. Behavioral...
  • dataset

    Pilot experiment on the effects of female abdomen colour

    Intersexual interactions in pilot trials where female abdomen colour was manipulated to alter their perceived developmental state. Each row represents a female in an...
  • dataset

    Data on latitude and wing length of calopterygid damselflies (including Tabl...

    "WingLengthAndLatitudinalData.xlsx" is an Exel file consisting of three sheets with data used in the comparative analyses of this paper. The data sheet "Wing Pigment" has wing...
  • dataset

    Characteristics of study subjects by offspring sex and gestational diabetes m...

    Characteristics of study subjects by offspring sex and gestational diabetes mellitus exposure group.
  • dataset

    Male-bias in distributions of additive genetic, residual, and phenotypic vari...

    This file contains data collected from previously published papers.
  • dataset

    Additional file 1: of The developmental origins of sex-biased expression in c...

    Table S1. List of antibodies used for ChIP-seq (XLSX 9 kb)
  • dataset

    File containing information about the phylogenetic tree used in this paper (i...

    "TreeFile" is a nexus format tree file of Calopterygoid damselflies (Odonata: Zygoptera). The tree includes branch labels and lengths, male pigment state, and latitude state....
  • dataset

    Dryad Table

    Data with sources, on adult male and female body mass, female group size, female age of first reproduction, and male maturity. Values used in Fig. 2. Adult male and female body...
  • dataset


    Values used in analyses for published results of main article
  • dataset

    Field mating rates

    Mating activity of females of Ischnura elegans in the field. Each record consists of an individual female, belonging to one of three heritable colour morphs. Females were...
  • dataset

    Table 1

    Phylogenetic t-test for sexual traits, using three continuous metrics of multicellular complexity (rounds of cell division, percent somatic cells, natural logarithm-transformed...
  • dataset

    GIS shape files of male and female ramet location data

    GIS shape files containing male and female ramet location data used to analyze mechanisms underlying sex ratio variation.
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  • dataset

    Phenotypic traits and gene expression

    The raw Cqs of samples per triplicate and variables retated to individuals (family, sex, risk-taking behaviour, body mass and melanin colour), observation tank and samples (run...
  • dataset

    Ramet production for male and female genotypes

    Ramet production for male and female genotypes
  • dataset

    data submission

    the file contains raw data used for the analysis
  • dataset

    morphological data

    We assessed the morphological differences between 328 adult specimens from the R3 and R. tanezumi mt lineages. Five linear measurements were considered: head + body length, tail...
  • dataset

    Mass data for field-caught male and female Calopteryx splendens and C. virgo

    Data in this file are the mass data (in g) obtained in 2011 and 2012 of field-caught male and female Calopteryx splendens and C. virgo from Klingavälsåns Naturreservat (Scania,...