32 items found

Tags: Reproductive isolation

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  • dataset


    Joinmap formatted input file for an F2 S. chrysanthemifolius x S. squalidus mapping family
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    C source code, header

    C source code for genetic ancestry model.
  • dataset


    Data file containing mean effect sizes (Pearson correlation coefficients r) for each taxonomic family together with estimates of species richness and crown age.
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    Genetic linkage map for an F2 S. chrysanthemifolius x S. squalidus mapping family
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    Full dataset supporting our article.
  • dataset

    Papallacta females

    Data collected for Papallacta female choice trails. Used excel to create the file and then used R software for analysis. Decoy is the live male decoy used for each trial....
  • dataset

    Firman et al. DRYAD

    Firman et al. DRYAD
  • dataset

    Culmen and Wing Measurements

    Measurements of wing length and culmen length from 35 museum specimens from the Cornell Museum of Vertebrates as well as from the live putative hybrid individual. Abbreviations:...
  • dataset


    This directory includes the raw counts for the genetic maps of hybrid inviability in mel/sim and mel/san F1 hybrid females at 18ºC. The file also includes all code to replicate...
  • dataset

    Data on latitude and wing length of calopterygid damselflies (including Tabl...

    "WingLengthAndLatitudinalData.xlsx" is an Exel file consisting of three sheets with data used in the comparative analyses of this paper. The data sheet "Wing Pigment" has wing...
  • dataset


    Notes explaining the data files: F2AScodominantgenotypes, F2ASdominantgenotypes, F2CScodominantgenotypes, and F2CSdominantgenotypes
  • dataset

    File containing information about the phylogenetic tree used in this paper (i...

    "TreeFile" is a nexus format tree file of Calopterygoid damselflies (Odonata: Zygoptera). The tree includes branch labels and lengths, male pigment state, and latitude state....
  • dataset


    This file contains all the data used in the MS. The first worksheet contains background information, the second defines column headings. Sheets 3-6 are the data files. Each...
  • dataset

    Between population egg laying data 10 days

    Number of eggs laid over 10 days for sympatric Indian River (IR) females and allopatric Texas (TX) females in no-choice trials. Data for Figure A3.
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    Raw Data File

    Data file containing all raw effect sizes (Pearson correlation coefficients r) included in this meta-analysis.
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    lebreton data files readme

    Readme file, contains data file names and short description of their contents
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    Richmond et al 2011 Datafile

    This tab-delimited text file contains all of the raw, scored data from laboratory mate compatibility trials conducted on wild caught skinks in the Plestiodon skiltonianus...
  • dataset

    C source code, main file

    C source code for genetic ancestry model.
  • dataset

    Effect of experience on conspecific preference

    Preference of female sticklebacks for conspecific and heterospecific males in first and second trials (two entries per female). Data collected in laboratory no-choice mate...
  • dataset

    Sequential choice within species

    Differences in preference measures of female sticklebacks (benthics and limnetics) for two males seen 120 minutes apart. Differences calculated as second male minus first male....