74 items found

Tags: Psychological adjustment

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    Characteristics of the sample as represented by three groups of fetal growth.

    Note that the only statistically significant differences between groups was in birth weight (see text for details). aM (SD);bn (%); FG: Fetal growth.
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    Difference Tests of Each Latent Category on Each Variable.

    Difference Tests of Each Latent Category on Each Variable.
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    Stable equilibrium relations of the synchronization process.

    Stable equilibrium relations of the synchronization process.
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    Squared Multiple Correlation Coefficients of Each Neighbourhood Sub-Scale pre...

    Squared Multiple Correlation Coefficients of Each Neighbourhood Sub-Scale predicted by the Other Neighbourhood Sub-Scales.
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    Note: n = 1948 All tests of significance for the Change in R2 were conducted using F-tests * p≤0.05
  • dataset

    Summary of conditions including codes related to the experimenter, the experi...

    Summary of conditions including codes related to the experimenter, the experimenter-teacher relation, and the setting.
  • dataset


    Note.† =  p<.1, * = p≤.05, ** = p≤.01. SHS  =  Subjective Happiness Scale; SWLS  =  Satisfaction With Life Scale; BDI  =  Beck Depression Inventory; PSS  =  Perceived Stress...
  • dataset

    Results of Study Quality Appraisal.

    Results of Study Quality Appraisal.
  • dataset


    Note: n = 1948 All tests of significance for the Change in R2 were conducted using F-tests * p≤0.05
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    *See Table 2 for the labelling of items. aFor clarity loadings on putative factors are shown in bold and only the places after the decimal point are shown.
  • dataset

    Associations of birth weight with bilateral structural measures of cortical r...

    Note. Adjusted for sex and intracranial volume. LOFC: lateral orbitofrontal cortex; MOFC: medial orbitofrontal cortex; rIFG: Right inferior frontal gyrus; ACC: Anterior...
  • dataset

    Fit indices for confirmatory factor analysis of the SINS-CN scale (values pri...

    Chi-Square 729.980; df = 240 (1213.291; df = 249); p<0.0001. GFI = goodness of fit index; AGFI = adjusted goodness of fit index; CFI = comparative fit index; RMSEA = root mean...
  • dataset

    Differences in the Choice of B in Experiment 1.

    Differences in the Choice of B in Experiment 1.
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    *Multiple linear regressions were performed (p<0.001).
  • dataset

    Multiple regression analyses of country and neighbourhood crime predicting BD...

    Note: n = 1948 All tests of significance for the Change in R2 were conducted using F-tests * p≤0.05
  • dataset

    Summary of conditions including codes related to the learner, teacher, and te...

    Summary of conditions including codes related to the learner, teacher, and teacher-learner relation.
  • dataset

    Summary statistics and hypotheses.

    Note. a: experimental condition.
  • dataset

    Summary for Studies on Psychological Late Effects in Parents of Childhood Can...

    Note. BSI = Brief Symptom Inventory; CARS =  The Current Adjustment Rating Scale; CCSS-PF = Cognitive Control Strategies Scale for Parents; CGSQ = Caregiver Strain...
  • dataset


    Note: n = 1948 All tests of significance were conducted using t-tests of the correlation coefficents * p<.01