16 items found

Tags: Panicum virgatum

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  • dataset

    Data, analysis scripts, and results

    This is the main working directory for the project and it contains clean data, all scripts needed to reproduce the analysis, results, figures, notes from the development...
  • dataset

    De-multiplexing Functions

    Functions in R for de-multiplexing (assigning sample identify for each read using the sequence barcode at the beginning of the read) the raw sequencing data. The raw data itself...
  • dataset

    Data table for Fig 2b_ Maximum Biomass of corn

    This data table has the information of maximum biomass for corn (G1). Each column in the data file has been described in a separate Readme.txt file.
  • dataset

    Plant data and virus detection in switchgrass experiment

    See ReadMe file for complete description of columns
  • dataset

    Sample metadata

    Microbiome sample metadata. "SampleID" = unique identifier for a sequenced 16S rDNA amplicon pool corresponding to a single sample. "Name" = more descriptive unique sample name....
  • dataset

    Supplemental Table1 Bioinformatis Parameters

    Non-default parameters used for bioinformatics tools in this study.
  • dataset

    Data table for Fig 2b_ Maximum Biomass of switchgrass, miscanthus, prairie a...

    This data table has the information of maximum biomass for switchgrass (G5), miscanthus (G6), native grass mixture (G7), and restored prairie (G10). Each column in the data file...
  • dataset

    Data table for Fig 1a & 2a_ Precipitation

    This data file has the information of daily precipitation (mm) recorded at the LTER station, KBS Hickory Corners, Michigan. Each column in the data file has been described in a...
  • dataset

    R code for Dryad phylogeny

    R code for paper analysis
  • dataset


    This data table has the information of calculated WUE-maximum biomass (kg/ha/mm) for different crops. Each column in the data file has been described in a separate Readme.txt file
  • dataset

    Data table for Fig S1_Percent of days using SALUS

    This data table has information of percent of days during growing period when we used SALUS model to estimate the evapotranspiration.Each column in the data file has been...
  • dataset

    Data Variables

    This file lists and describes all the variables used in the final analysis.
  • publication

    Analyses of methylomes of upland and lowland switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) e...

    Background Switchgrass is a crop with many desirable traits for bioenergy production. Plant genomes have high DNA methylation levels throughout genes and transposable elements...
  • dataset

    Data table for Fig 2d_Harvest yield

    This data table has the information of harvest yield of corn (grain, corn stover and residual stover), switchgrass, miscanthus, grass mixture, hybrid poplar and restored prairie...
  • dataset


    Excel Spreadsheet including all data in this manuscript. (XLSX 314 kb)
  • dataset


    GO analysis of hypermethylated- and hypomethylated-DMRs. (XLSX 824Â kb)