141 items found

Tags: Microbiome

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  • dataset

    Additional file 11: of The human jejunum has an endogenous microbiota that di...

    J. Illumina abundance summary file. Distribution of microbiota from raw Illumina file. (CSV 88Â kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 2: of Fecal metatranscriptomics of macaques with idiopathic c...

    All_bacteria_Subsystems_DESeq_results. This Excel spreadsheet contains the differential expression by SEED Subsystem hierarchies between ICD and control samples for...
  • dataset


    16s rRNA
  • dataset

    R object containing taxonomic information for each OTU

    This is an R object (.rds file) containing the taxonomic information for all possible OTUs detected in this dataset. These are the GreenGenes 13_8 97% reference OTUs.
  • dataset

    Additional file 11: of A microbiome case-control study of recurrent acute oti...

    Table S4. All correlations between OTUs determined by SparCC. Correlations within each sample type are listed in separate sheets. This includes correlations between all possible...
  • dataset

    Additional file 8 of Dissecting the factors shaping fish skin microbiomes in ...

    Additional file 8: Table S5. Pairwise PERMANOVA tests for beta diversity differences among fish families or tribes, for raw swab bacterial communities and corrected skin...
  • dataset


    Table S9. Summary of upregulated gene ontology (GO) term categories. (XLSX 13 kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 3 of Daylight exposure modulates bacterial communities associ...

    Table S2. Table describing the taxonomy of RSVs identified by sLDA analysis. (XLSX 10 kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 3: of Influence of cigarette smoking on the human duodenal mu...

    Supplementary Table S3 - OTU table with raw read counts. (XLSX 46 kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 2: of Distinguishing potential bacteria-tumor associations fr...

    This file is a tab-delimited text file of all TCGA read pairs and their corresponding metadata and bacterial taxonomic assignments. Comments are denoted by a #. Abbreviations...
  • dataset

    Additional file 9: of The human jejunum has an endogenous microbiota that dif...

    H. Illumina abundance summary file. Distribution of microbiota from raw Illumina file. (CSV 106Â kb)
  • dataset


    Output describing the code used for microbiota analysis. (HTML 3490 kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 3: of Differential sexual network connectivity offers a parsi...

    The Netlogo model of BV transmission. (NLOGO 30 kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 7: of The human jejunum has an endogenous microbiota that dif...

    F. Illumina abundance summary file. Distribution of microbiota from raw Illumina file. (CSV 101Â kb)
  • dataset


    16s rRNA
  • dataset

    Additional file 16: of The human jejunum has an endogenous microbiota that di...

    O. Illumina abundance summary file. Distribution of microbiota from raw Illumina file. (CSV 95 kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 2: of Baseline microbiota composition modulates antibiotic-me...

    Tables of proportional abundance of different genera in the different donor groups. (XLSX 18 kb)
  • dataset


    16s rRNA
  • dataset

    Additional file 3: of Dysbiosis, inflammation, and response to treatment: a l...

    De novo and rarefy analysis. Contains a table that compares results from the generalized estimating equation (GEE) analysis performed in the paper (using closed-reference OTU...
  • dataset

    Additional file 2: of Microbiome dysbiosis is associated with disease duratio...

    Table S2. Full clinical data for all patients included in this study. (XLSX 14 kb)