62 items found

Tags: Life history evolution

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    Data documenting post-capture survival in days for wild flies caught across seasonal time and full lifespan of their F1 offspring.
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    experiment 2 - analysis

    experiment 2 - analysis
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    Kivelä et al. 2012_JEB_data

    data file
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    Evolution Letters GAlavioon data

    Raw data for all analyses presented in the paper.
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    These data refer to experiments described in the material and methods section of the paper. Further details regarding columns headings and codes can de found in the ReadMe file.
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    Data used for the analyses of SSD in chicken breeds and wild phasianids (data on separate sheets). Collected from published literature. Column headings either self-explanatory...
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    Trichomalopsis GC-MS raw data

    CSV files containing information on the GC-MS data (GC: 7890A; MS: 5975C; Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, Germany) for the Trichomalopsis outgroup samples, obtained with...
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    Please see ReadMe file.
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    Excel file with all data used in our manuscript: Oocyst burden, bird parasitaemia and detrend parasitaemia
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    experiment 1 - analysis

    experiment 1 - analysis
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    Figure 5a, D. yakuba oviposition

    Number of eggs laid over a 6-day forced co-habitation assay by D. yakuba in vials without wasps (control), with L. boulardi (exp_Lb17), and with L. heterotoma (exp_Lh14). Number...
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    Raw data of black and white-browed coucals for J Evol Biol paper 2015

    This file contains several Excel sheets that served as raw data for the analyses in the paper by Goymann et al. "Social monogamy versus polyandry: ecological factors associated...
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    Hayward et al JEB Selection on FEC

    This data was collected in the field over a number of years, and represents raw phenotypic observations. Details of treatment of the data prior to analysis are fully explained...
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    Locomotor activity for D. serrata RILs across 6 temperatures and the 49 QTL m...

    Parental flies originally collected from the field and inbred in the lab. TriKinetic’s Drosophilla Activity Monitors (DAMs) used to record fly activity. The 49 markers consist...
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    BMR, immune and corticosterone data used in the article by Versteegh et al. in Journal of Evolutionary Biology 2012
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    Environmental data

    Bioclimatic data and environmental data for all 56 European peatland site (geo referenced by longitude [long], latitude [lat] and altitude [ALT]. MAT = Mean annual temperature...
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    Roitberg_et_al_physical_characteristics_of_study samples

    Data for geographic coordinates and climate Abbreviations of characters/columns (if not clear from their designations): ID, code of the study sample as in Roitberg et al....