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  • publication

    Progress towards a Nordic standard for the investigation of hematuria: 2019

    Objective: To describe the management of patients with hematuria in the Nordic countries in relation to bladder cancer epidemiology, especially in the context of introducing...
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    Letter from the UK

    Background ‘Living with IPF and an exploration of Esbriet® – a new treatment’ was an exploratory, qualitative, real-world survey of European patients with idiopathic pulmonary...
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    Experiences of tobacco smoking and quitting in smokers with and without chron...

    Background Smokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) seem to be a special subgroup of smokers that have a more urgent need to quit smoking but might find it more...
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    Development and demonstration of a state model for the estimation of incidenc...

    Background Estimation of incidence of the state of undiagnosed chronic disease provides a crucial missing link for the monitoring of chronic disease epidemics and determining...
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    The EMIF-AD Multimodal Biomarker Discovery study: design, methods and cohort ...

    Background There is an urgent need for novel, noninvasive biomarkers to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in the predementia stages and to predict the rate of...
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    Epidemiology of asthma and associated factors in an urban Pakistani populatio...

    Background This study was conducted in order to determine the prevalence of asthma and associated risk factors in the adult population of Karachi, Pakistan. Methods This...
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    Predictors of lung function decline in scleroderma-related interstitial lung ...

    Background The extent of lung involvement visualized by high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) is a predictor of decline in forced vital capacity (FVC) in...
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    Calculating the prevalence of soil-transmitted helminth infection through poo...

    Prevalence is a common epidemiological measure for assessing soil-transmitted helminth burden and forms the basis for much public-health decision-making. Standard diagnostic...
  • publication

    Intensive follow-up for women with breast cancer: review of clinical, economi...

    Background Women treated for breast cancer are followed-up for monitoring of treatment effectiveness and for detecting recurrences at an early stage. The type of follow-up...
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    A mixed treatment comparison of gabapentin enacarbil, pramipexole, ropinirole...

    Objective: A mixed treatment comparison (MTC) was performed to investigate the relative efficacy and safety of licensed pharmaceuticals for moderate-to-severe restless legs...
  • other

    Intensive follow-up for women with breast cancer: review of clinical, economi...

    Background: Women treated for breast cancer are followed-up for monitoring of treatment effectiveness and for detecting recurrences at an early stage. The type of follow-up...