63 items found

Tags: Colombia

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  • dataset

    Weekly relative humidity at 2.5 arc-minutes

    Raster brick of weekly average relative humidity calculated as the average of the daily mean relative humidity (a total of 143 weeks between Jan 5, 2014 and Oct 1, 2016), in GRI...
  • dataset


    A nexus (.nxs, .nex) file for use in parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses
  • dataset

    Ultrasonic reverse stridulation in the spider-like katydid <i>Arachnoscelis</...

    This paper illustrates the biomechanics of sound production in the neotropical predaceous katydid Arachnoscelis arachnoides (Insecta: Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Described and...
  • dataset

    Data files for: Gigantic jet discharges evolve stepwise through the middle at...

    Original video files and some other data belonging to the article "Gigantic jet discharges evolve stepwise through the middle atmosphere" published in Nature Communications on...
  • dataset


    A file giving colour pattern groupings for each population for the AMOVA analysis
  • dataset

    Weekly weighted covariates aggregated at national level

    Time series of weekly covariates, weighted by population, aggregated at national level. This .zip file contains eight tables (in .csv format) of time series for aegypti...
  • dataset

    Sequence data for Splitstree analysis of Heliconius erato from the 65 KB peak...

    The sequence data used for Splitstree analysis of H. erato from the 65KB region (515 to 580 KB) of highest association in the red pattern interval. The data excludes sites with...
  • dataset

    Additional file 2: of Molecular surveillance and phylogenetic traits of Babes...

    Nucleotide sequences derived from a hypothetical protein of Babesia bigemina. (FAS 1 kb)
  • dataset


    XML file for running the analyses with the Brassicaceae dataset (supermatrix approach) in BEASTv2.2 (Bouckaert et al., 2014) using the four Brassicales fossil scheme for...
  • dataset

    Charles _el_al_data

    This is an Excel file containing two worksheets. The first (Location_and_seed_data) contains all data on the locations of each isolated tree used in this study and the...
  • dataset

    Gzipped tar archive of contig files

    This tarball contains all 402 draft- and complete genomes compared within this study.
  • dataset

    Additional file 1: of The role of socio-demographic factors in premature cerv...

    Results of the final model using complete data including the interaction between age and educational level (.xls format). Description of the file: This file contains the...
  • dataset

    Gridded urban population in 2015 at 15 arc-seconds

    Colombia urban population in 2015 obtained by multiplying WorldPop gridded population by urban extent binary raster file. the file in BIL format at a resolution of 15 arc-seconds.
  • dataset

    Additional file 3: of The role of socio-demographic factors in premature cerv...

    Results of the final model using imputed data including the interaction between age and educational level (.xls format). Description of the file: This file contains the...
  • dataset

    Weekly mean temperature at 2.5 arc-minutes

    Raster brick of weekly mean temperature calculated as the average of the daily mean temperature (a total of 143 weeks between Jan 5, 2014 and Oct 1, 2016), in GRI format, at a...
  • dataset


    Input file for BayeScan - reference dataset
  • dataset

    Scanning x-ray fluorescence microscopy raw data for Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii

    Scanning x-ray fluorescence microscopy raw data (drift-corrected) for Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii (Colombia), including Ca, Se, and Sr. Calculations of Se:Ca × 1000 and Sr:Ca...
  • dataset


    plink map file for Arlequin - reference dataset
  • dataset

    Rhamdia raw morphometrics data

    Rhamdia raw morphometrics data in Excel (.xlsx) format
  • dataset


    plink map file for Bayescan, Arlequin and Bayenv - candidate dataset