153 items found

Tags: Animals

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  • dataset

    Additional file 1: of Investigation of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus a...

    Data on clinical samples from humans used for the detection of Staphylococcus aureus and MRSA in Bangladesh. (CSV 7 kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 2: of Investigation of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus a...

    Data on clinical samples from animals used for the detection of Staphylococcus aureus and MRSA in Bangladesh. (CSV 11 kb)
  • publication

    Altering pyrroloquinoline quinone nutritional status modulates mitochondrial,...

    We have reported that pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) improves reproduction, neonatal development, and mitochondrial function in animals by mechanisms that involve mitochondrial...
  • publication

    Citizen Science and the Urban Ecology of Birds and Butterflies - A Systematic...

    Citizen science has gained widespread currency as a tool for ecological research over the\ud past decade. However, in the discipline of urban ecology, the existing contributions...
  • publication

    Spatial and topical imbalances in biodiversity research

    The rapid erosion of biodiversity is among the biggest challenges human society is facing. Concurrently, major efforts are in place to quantify changes in biodiversity, to...
  • publication

    Improved tools and strategies for the prevention and control of arboviral dis...

    Background \ud Research has been conducted on interventions to control dengue transmission and respond to outbreaks. A summary of the available evidence will help inform disease...
  • publication

    Repeatability of flatfish reflex impairment assessments based on video record...

    : Using measures of reflex impairment and injury to quantify an aquatic organism's vitality have gained popularity as survival predictors of discarded non-target fisheries...
  • publication

    The Influence of Mark-Recapture Sampling Effort on Estimates of Rock Lobster ...

    Five annual capture-mark-recapture surveys on Jasus edwardsii were used to evaluate the effect of sample size and fishing effort on the precision of estimated survival...
  • publication

    A Place to Hide in the Home-Cage Decreases Yolk Androgen Levels and Offspring...

    International audience; An animal's emotional responses are the result of its cognitive appraisal of a situation. This appraisal is notably influenced by the possibility of an...
  • publication

    The looks matter; aggression escalation from changes on phenotypic appearance...

    Domestic fowl in small groups are assumed to establish hierarchical systems based on individual recognition. Conversely, interactions in large groups are modulated by badges of...
  • publication

    Animal models of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: A machine-assist...

    We report a systematic review and meta-analysis of research using animal models of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN). We systematically searched 5 online...
  • publication

    Activin and TGFβ use diverging mitogenic signaling in advanced colon cancer

    Background Understanding cell signaling pathways that contribute to metastatic colon cancer is critical to risk stratification in the era of personalized therapeutics. Here, we...
  • publication

    Sevoflurane Inhalation Accelerates the Long-Term Memory Consolidation via Sma...

    Sevoflurane exposure impairs the long-term memory in neonates. Whether the exposure to animals in adolescence affects the memory, however, has been unclear. A small hydrolase...
  • publication

    Mosaic autosomal aneuploidies are detectable from single-cell RNAseq data.

    Background Aneuploidies are copy number variants that affect entire chromosomes. They are seen commonly in cancer, embryonic stem cells, human embryos, and in various trisomic...
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    Scrutinizing assortative mating in birds

    It is often claimed that pair bonds preferentially form between individuals that resemble one another. Such assortative mating appears to be widespread throughout the animal...
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    An efficient exact method to obtain GBLUP and single-step GBLUP when the geno...

    Background The mixed linear model employed for genomic best linear unbiased prediction (GBLUP) includes the breeding value for each animal as a random effect that has a mean of...
  • publication

    Scientific crowdsourcing in wildlife research and conservation: Tigers (Panth...

    With around 3,200 tigers (Panthera tigris) left in the wild, the governments of 13 tiger range countries recently declared that there is a need for innovation to aid tiger...
  • publication

    A typology of community and stakeholder engagement based on documented exampl...

    Background Despite broad consensus on the importance of community and stakeholder engagement (CSE) for guiding the development, regulation, field testing, and deployment of...
  • publication

    Stakeholder perspectives on large-scale marine protected areas

    Large-scale marine protected areas (LSMPAs), MPAs greater than 100,000km2, have proliferated in the past decade. However, the value of LSMPAs as conservation tools is debated,...