43 items found

Tags: Allometry

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  • dataset

    Reply to Raia et al - Dryad data

    This is our raw data, for use with the attached R file.
  • dataset

    Territoriality information of Libellulidae dragonflies

    This file contains information on whether a species is territorial or non-territorial (see main text for more information).
  • dataset

    Insect ontogenetic respiration

    This data set includes respiration measurements on 50 insects across various stages of ontogenetic development (embryonic, immature, and pupal respiration). The data were...
  • dataset


    R Markdown script of the analysis of the Wilkinson 1993 data, as described in Frankino et al 2019.
  • dataset


    This file contains identifier variables associated with the specimens in the companion tps file. It is formatted for use as the identifier variables for MorphoJ, but otherwise...
  • dataset

    Morphological measurements of spotted hyenas

    Morphological data collected on immobilized subjects in the field. Details of collection and measurements can be found in the publication and in the readme file associated with...
  • dataset


    Information about the provided data files
  • dataset


    Data files and analysis scripts are found in the .zip archive. For details, see the ReadMe.txt file.
  • dataset

    Raw data file

    Raw landmark coordinates as tab-delimited text file. The first column is an identifier (from the original images) and the second column contains the taxon names. Note that the...
  • dataset

    Additional file 1 of Trabecular architecture in the sciuromorph femoral head:...

    List of all analyzed specimens and their trabecular parameters. Complete list of the specimens analyzed in this study (.csv-file), including information about their origin...
  • dataset


    The data file contains information on wing shape and size of 28 Scathophaga stercoraria populations from North America, Europe, and Japan, reared at three developmental...
  • dataset

    Length-mass regression data for arthropods from different geographic regions

    This data includes data used in Sohlström et al. to estimate how live body mass of arthropods depends on body length and further co-variables. Description of headers: Order...
  • dataset


    R Markdown script of the analysis of the Frankino 2005 data, as described in Frankino et al 2019.
  • dataset


    This is matlab m-file contains a code that runs the main simulation code ("allometry.m", contained in a separate file) with different parameter values.
  • dataset

    Dryad data files

    Dryad data files
  • dataset


    Spreadsheet containing mean values of inertial properties for each sampled species, in addition to mean values of body mass. These values were used in our analyses. Within the...
  • dataset

    Wing pigmentation and length of Libellulidae dragonflies

    File contains all the 89 Libellulidae dragonfly species with wing pigmentation and wing length data. Data is supplied as (1) average wing length of the anterior right wing, per...
  • dataset


    The female dataset includes all data on females (each female per line) of the two species and for each year of experiment. The table also gives the females' identification...
  • dataset


    Complete data file of female and male data including data for each mating mating regime (no competition, direct, and indirect competition) and male trait measurements
  • dataset

    Read Me

    Contains descriptions of other files in this data set.