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Tags: 59999 Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified Developmental Biology Space Science

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  • dataset

    Demographic characteristics of the participants.

    Fallers are patient who declared at least one fall in the six previous months. No statistically significant difference was found between the two population regarding age,...
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    Factor correlations (Phi estimates).

    Factor correlations (Phi estimates).
  • dataset


    Two-dimensional (2D) organic–inorganic perovskites (OIPs), with improved material stability over their 3D counterparts, are highly desirable for device applications. It is their...
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    Reliability of shear wave elastography (SWE).

    Reliability of shear wave elastography (SWE).
  • dataset

    Additional file 2: of Transcriptomic analysis of the differentiating ovary of...

    Table S1. Sequences of oligonucleotide primers for RT-PCR and qPCR analysis. Table S2. List of Unigenes that were mapped to KEGG pathways. Table S3. Differentially expressed...
  • dataset


    This file contains all of the input and output files for table 3 in the paper. Including Li et al's alignment file, and partitioning files for all of the different schemes in...
  • dataset

    Epigenetic and non-epigenetic mode of SIRT1 action during oocyte meiosis prog...

    Abstract Background SIRT1 histone deacetylase acts on many epigenetic and non-epigenetic targets. It is thought that SIRT1 is involved in oocyte maturation; therefore, the...
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    Primers and probes.

    Table 3 indicates primers and probes designed for the 16S rRNA RT-qPCR, the primers described by Fyfe et al., and a re-designed hydrolysis probe used for the amplification,...
  • dataset

    Additional file 4: Table S2. of Pharmacological regimens for eradication of H...

    Quality assessment of included studies based on revised AMSTAR checklist. (DOCX 17 kb)
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    Quartiles and parameter of Weibull distribution and failure pattern for combined estrogen-progestin preparations.
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    This file contains measurements of peak friction forces generated by isolated "heel" pads of Indian stick insects, meausred at three different normal loads (n=10).
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    Testing of 105 DEC strains from a reference collection by the routine method ...

    Testing of 105 DEC strains from a reference collection by the routine method and by the Cliffhanger method.
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    Twenty-Seven Lower and Middle Paleolithic sites from Europe and the Middle East are reported in the literature to have yielded incised stones. At eleven of these sites incisions...
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    Peer feedback for examiner quality assurance on MRCGP International South Asi...

    Abstract Background The International Membership Examination (MRCGP[INT]) of the Royal College of General Practitioners UK is a unique collaboration between four South Asian...
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    Transcription events constructed by txrevise

    List of pre-computed transcription events constructed by txrevise. See the txrevise home page for more details: https://github.com/kauralasoo/txrevise. If you use txrevise...
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    Data, analysis scripts, and results

    This is the main working directory for the project and it contains clean data, all scripts needed to reproduce the analysis, results, figures, notes from the development...
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    Summary of the variants used in the sensitivity study.

    Summary of the variants used in the sensitivity study.
  • dataset

    Additional file 15: Video S5. of Engineering human ventricular heart muscles ...

    Showing a typical video overlapping bright field and EGFP images of NE-co-cultures. (MP4 1580 kb)
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    The design and development of technology platforms in a developing country he...

    Abstract Background Research on the development and functioning of technology platforms specifically for health applications in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), is limited. The...
  • dataset

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Encephalitis associated with human herpesviru...

    Microbiological assessment performed on the patient’s samples. (ODT 19 kb)