89 items found

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    Note: All questions above were presented to Study 2 participants as a single list, and did not include the measures' labels as depicted in this table. Participants were...
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    Mandatory sex and gender questions.

    Mandatory sex and gender questions.
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    Drivers of nutrition research as perceived by nutrition researchers in sub-Sa...

    aTotal number of responses as multiple answers were possible for this question.
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    Distribution of survey respondents who experienced inappropriate comments (ha...

    *Not all respondents provided an answer to these questions.
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    CIHR panels not exhibiting a significant tendency re: sex and/or gender.

    (All tendencies have a P-Value above 0.05/no significant tendency).
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    Estimated and imputed year-to-year retention rates (Y2YRR) and cumulative ret...

    *Retention rates for future years that have been estimated using year-to-year retention rates (Y2YRR) from the earlier data are shown in bold type. Estimated (by extrapolation)...
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    Study 1 Means and Standard Deviations (<i>SD</i>) of Faculty Members' Video R...

    Note: Study 1 faculty respondents (N = 40) were asked to watch a work-focused lab video (“Work-focused”) and a work/life-interaction-focused lab video (“Work/life-interaction”)...
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    Characteristics of the networks.

    Characteristics of the networks.
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    Note. N = 220, except GCSE based on 201 and A levels on 215. ‘Specials’ comprises Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology and Dermatology.
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    Nurse Graduate Self-assessment n = 21 n = 21.
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    Spearman correlations between Ph.D. award year and various popularity statist...

    Spearman correlations between Ph.D. award year and various popularity statistics (n = 263).
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    Note: *denotes comparisons between all time points for variable in general medical journals; **denotes comparisons between all time points for variable in specialized journals
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    Multiple ordinal regression assessing how parameters hypothesised to reflect consensus predict a rank order of scientific domains (main test: I-physical, II-biological-hard,...
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    Comparison of Online Tools.

    Comparison of Online Tools.
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    Bayesian Results for the Multiple Group Model Explaining the Gap between Actu...

    Note. Central credibility intervals (95% C.C.I.) that do not include zero are presented in bold. an = 158. bn = 173.
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    The percentage of employees responding to specific AUDIT questions is displayed. Question scores are shown in parentheses next to the responses. The percentage of employees...
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    The 14 Principles of the Toyota Way.<sup>1</sup>

    1From reference [39].
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    Univariate logistic regression analysis. OR  =  odds ratio; CI  =  confidence interval. (a) Gender, age group, department, employment, ethnicity, job and religion as independent...