31 items found

Organisations: RISIS2OpenData Tags: socioeconomic

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  • dataset

    File S1 - Geographic Variability in the Association between Socioeconomic Sta...

    Analyses using multilevel models with three level variance-covariance matrixes. (DOC)
  • dataset

    Distribution of 588 12-year-old students according to traumatic dental injury...

    *chi-square test. Distribution of 588 12-year-old students according to traumatic dental injury and independent variables, Brazil, 2014.
  • dataset

    Appendix S1 - The Association of Socioeconomic Status and Access to Low-Volum...

    The process of defining the hospital and the surgeon volume. Table S1, defining the category of hospital volume. Table S2, defining the category of surgeon volume. (DOC)
  • dataset

    Results of univariate logistic regression in exploratory analysis of social c...

    * Not incorporated into multiple regression analysis due to p > 0.20 in univariate logistic regression analysis. ** Removed from final model due to p < 0.20. Results of...
  • dataset

    Means and percent distributions of socioeconomic status indicators and cardio...

    3C study (France, 1999−2001). *p-value for differences between gender (Kruskall-Wallis test for continuous variables and Chi2 test for categorical variables).
  • dataset

    Univariate and multivariable associations of racial discrimination and socioe...

    Note: Parameter estimates whose 95% CI exclude 0 are indicated in bold highlight. Multivariable analyses controlled for all variables listed in the above columns and also:...
  • dataset

    The Effects of Socioeconomic Status, Clinical Factors, and Genetic Ancestry o...

    Diverse socioeconomic and clinical factors influence susceptibility to tuberculosis (TB) disease in Mexico. The role of genetic factors, particularly those that differ between...
  • dataset


    *Pearson’s chi-square test.
  • dataset


    aSeparate models (SES indicators entered separately) adjusted for age, sex, and year (when the disability begun).bModel 1 adjusted for age, sex, and for all other SES...
  • dataset


    SES-related inequalities in cause-specific and all-cause mortality, adjusted for intelligence and psychosocial functioning; crude models vs. basic adjustment. (DOCX)
  • dataset

    The Combined Effect of Individual and Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status on Na...

    BackgroundThe relationship between individual and neighborhood socioeconomic status (SES) and mortality rates in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is unknown. This...
  • dataset

    Multiple linear regression analysis of the PDRQ-9 German regressed on socioec...

    Note: B  =  unstandardized regression coefficient; SE  =  standard error.
  • dataset

    Chi-square associations among prenatal socioeconomic adversity variables.

    Note: Cell entries represent the percent of individuals with the column characteristic that share the row characteristic. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.
  • dataset

    Model estimates of the effects of weather and socioeconomic development on de...

    Values in bold font were significant at the 0.001 level. edf = effective degrees of freedom of the smooth function terms (edf>1 indicate nonlinear relationships); F-value is an...
  • dataset

    Mean weight and height at baseline by demographic, socioeconomic and parasiti...

    MYR = Malaysian Ringgit; (US$1 = MYR3.05) [25th February 2013]. *Significant difference (P<0.05; Independent samples t-test).
  • dataset


    HIV association factor is the ratio between HIV incidences for Q4 and Q1, or, for starred metrics (*), Q1:Q4* (for easier comparison where a smaller metric value theoretically...
  • dataset


    p<0.05 *p<0.01.All models are adjusted for age and center.asmoking; alcohol intake; body mass index; systolic BP; antihypertensive treatment; diabetes;...
  • publication

    Obesity and socioeconomic disadvantage in midlife female public sector employ...

    Background The two-way relationship between obesity and socioeconomic disadvantage is well established but previous studies on social and economic consequences of obesity have...
  • publication

    Gender Gaps in Indigenous Socioeconomic Outcomes: Australian Regional Compari...

    International literature clearly demonstrates the potential for gender-based inequalities to constrain development processes. In the United Nations Development Programme...