242 items found

Organisations: RISIS2OpenData Tags: RNA-seq

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  • dataset

    Additional file 2: of Fecal metatranscriptomics of macaques with idiopathic c...

    All_bacteria_Subsystems_DESeq_results. This Excel spreadsheet contains the differential expression by SEED Subsystem hierarchies between ICD and control samples for...
  • dataset


    Additional file 5: Table S5. Normalized sequencing read values for the sum of all T. gondii gene isoforms. TPM values calculated by RSEM for each gene after aligning reads to...
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    Amino acid alignment file (FASTA format) of ultraviolet-sensitive opsin data used in the reconstruction of the UVS opsin topology.
  • dataset

    Additional file 7: of Differential isoform expression and alternative splicin...

    List of genes (A) and isoforms (B) showing male- or female biased expression. (XLSX 481 kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 5: Table S2. of Integrative transcriptome network analysis of...

    Is a table listing summary statistics of RNA-seq. (XLSX 11Â kb)
  • dataset

    MOESM13 of Transcriptomic analysis of α-synuclein knockdown after T3 spinal c...

    Additional file 13: Table S11. KEGG pathway enriched the differentially expressed genes (CON VS SCI upregulated genes).
  • dataset

    Additional file 1: of Platform-independent gene expression signature differen...

    Table S1. The list of qRT-PCR primers for signature genes. Table S2. Normalized expression levels (median and MAD) obtained by qRT-PCR from 45 independent FFPE samples and the...
  • dataset

    Additional file 3: Table S3. of Cnidaria: fast, reference-free clustering of ...

    Statistics of k-mer counting. Total number of k-mers in each sample, total number of valid k-mers in each sample (k-mers shared by at least two samples) and the percentage of...
  • dataset

    Additional file 1: of How do Wolbachia modify the Drosophila ovary? New evide...

    Differentially expressed genes in ovaries of D. melanogaster induced by Wolbachia infection. (XLS 57 kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 10 of Revelation of mRNAs and proteins in porcine milk exosom...

    mRNAs bioinformatics analysis.xlsx. (XLSX 218 kb)
  • dataset

    MOESM3 of Transcriptomic analysis of α-synuclein knockdown after T3 spinal co...

    Additional file 3: Table S3. List of 210 upregulated DEGs expressed between the SCI group and the LV_SCI group.
  • dataset


    This archive contains R scripts used in the study to infer differential expression. There are four scripts, each used for each of the four transcriptomes analyzed.
  • dataset

    Additional file 13: of Investigation into the underlying regulatory mechanism...

    Dataset 2. List of nodes included in different modules with stringent edge weight thresholds used for construction of gene regulatory networks. (XLSX 2433 kb)
  • dataset

    Annotation File for the Annotated Reference Transcriptome of the Eastern Oyster

    The Excel file provides the annotation information, including original source transcriptome, for each contig in the reference transcriptome. The ReadMe files describes the...
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    M. guttatus inbred line IM767 - stem transcriptome "T2" - sample JS5
  • dataset

    MOESM5 of Transcriptomic analysis of α-synuclein knockdown after T3 spinal co...

    Additional file 5: Table S5. The significant of GO terms enriched between the SCI group and the LV_SCI group 210 upregualted DEGs.
  • dataset

    Additional file 2: of CottonFGD: an integrated functional genomics database f...

    List of used RNA-seq data. Including 168 RNA-seq analyses for 20 experiment groups of four Gossypium species. (XLSX 36 kb)
  • dataset


    Characterization of the Double Transgenic GM-csf (DTGM) mouse model. In the absence of influenza A virus infection, GM-CSF levels (A) in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid was...