150 items found

Groups: figshare Tags: phylogenetics

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  • dataset


    (1) Fish specimen collected at Nouméa fish market or obtained through colleagues, (*) new sequences, (b) BOLD accession number, (v) sequence corresponds to voucher indicated in...
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    This file contains all of the input and output files for table 3 in the paper. Including Li et al's alignment file, and partitioning files for all of the different schemes in...
  • dataset

    Dataset composition, marker size and information.

    Dataset composition, marker size and information.
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    SNP matrix file for species level analyses (maximum 5 mismatches allowed for hstacks processing and including a minimum number of 15 species).
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    DNA sequence data for the gene SUMO-1 activating enzyme (sae-1) for multiple individuals for multiple races of Heliconius erato. The data is derived from direct sequencing,...
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    Mesquite file containing phylogenetic trees and character matrix.
  • dataset


    SNP matrix file for species level analyses (maximum 5 mismatches allowed for hstacks processing and including a minimum number of 20 species).
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    A nexus (.nxs, .nex) file for use in parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses
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    Zip file with all data in raw form.
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    Davies et al 2013

    Davies et al 2013
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    Untrimmed alignments (fasta-format) of phylogenetic analyses of ploeotids: 1) All taxa, including Entosiphon, 2) excluding Entosiphon
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    contains the alignments of all the 15 datasets under examination in this study
  • dataset

    Appendix 4 Anemones-user-results

    Online Appendix 4. Sea anemones user scores. For each crowd member, we report the number of scores they provided and the number that were correct. The “Estimate” column is...
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    FASTQ file containing filtered, de-mulitplexed, and collapsed HiSeq (Illumina) sequencing reads corresponding to the Tayassu pecari enriched genomic library. See main...
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    Cymbid GB and vouchers MASTER

    Table of voucher specimens and GenBank numbers for Cymbidieae analysis.
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    R data file containing all objects used or generated as part of this research
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    Subset of data obtained under Supplementary Figure 3 from: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v424/n6945/suppinfo/nature01743.h...
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    Linearized F<sub>ST</sub> distances between Mauritius and the different South...

    Linearized FST distances between Mauritius and the different South Asian sub-regions (MAU  =  Mauritius; PWI  =  Pakistan and West India; SWI  =  Southwest India; NI  =  North...