74 items found

Types: software Groups: figshare ZENODO Tags: Biochemistry Cell Biology Genetics Sociology

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  • software

    Artifact (Software + Dataset) For "Phys: Probabilistic Physical Unit Assignme...

    https://unl-nimbus-lab.github.io/phys phys is a tool to detect physical unit inconsistencies in C++ that builds against the Robot Operating System. phys is a...
  • software

    Axonal fiber quantification in fluorescence images

    A set of Fiji macros for axonal fiber quantification in fluorescence images. These macros were developed for the study: Fasting Induces Remodeling Of The Orexigenic...
  • software

    twitterreport: Out-of-the-box analysis and reporting tools for twitter

    Set of tools to download, process and analyze 'tweets', including methods for exporting the outputs through 'D3js'.
  • software


    The headlining features of this release include: from_Cary will now read data files correctly where multiple objects have the same name Tweaks to how Quick1D presents data...
  • software

    Edamontology/Edamontology: Edam 1.20

    See the improved changelog-detailed.md for a detailed list of semantic changes in the EDAM ontology. Summary of changes 20 formats added (listed in...
  • software

    feelpp: Feel++ 0.101.1

    Closed issues: Support mean linear functional #704 degree of polynomial #703 Refactor CreateSubMeshTool #700 Change default FEELPP_MESH_MAX_ORDER to 2 #697...
  • software

    neuroscout/neuroscout: 0.7 -- pre-corona virus

    What's Changed Truncate contrast name in NV upload (#740) @adelavega Extract Sensorimotor Norms (#739) @adelavega Context-dependent word level estimates (#734) @adelavega Add f...
  • software

    silx-kit/pyFAI: PyFAI v0.17.1

    New features: Graphical user interface for calibration (pyFAI-calib2) Goniometer calibration tools and multi-geometry enhancements Integration scripts and averaging scripts...
  • software

    poldracklab/fmriprep: 1.3.0

    Release Notes We start the 1.3.x series including a few bugfixes, housekeeping duty and a refactors to leverage sMRIPrep (which is a fork of fMRIPrep's anatomical workflow),...
  • software

    rubenarslan/formr.org: v0.16.13

    Bug fix release. [0.16.13] - 02.10.2017 Changed See closed issues for details add mc_horizontal class fix some CSS bugs in new material design several UI fixes
  • software

    poldracklab/fmriprep: 1.1.7

    Release Notes Several bug fixes. With thanks to Elizabeth Dupre and Romain Vala for contributions. CHANGES [FIX] Revert FreeSurfer download URL (#1280) @chrisfilo [FIX] Default...
  • software

    Poldracklab/Fmriprep: 1.2.0

    Release Notes This release marks a substantial renaming of derivatives to conform to the BIDS Derivatives specification release candidate. The most significant additional change...
  • software

    Iml: An R Package For Interpretable Machine Learning

    Interpretability methods to analyze the behavior and predictions of any machine learning model. Implemented methods are: Feature importance described by Fisher et al....
  • software


    MoFEM module for analysis of brittle fracture and calculation  crack release energy,   Calculation of stress intensity factors for linear-elastic and non-linear...
  • software

    tidybayes: Tidy Data and Geoms for Bayesian Models

    Various geoms and stats have been merged together under the geom_slabinterval() and stat_slabinterval() "meta-geom" (#84). This has enabled a bunch of new geoms to...
  • software

    CryptoMañana Framework, v0.8.0 released

    CryptoManana version 1.0.0 (stable): Added cryptographic protocols for key exchange (Diffie–Hellman), digital envelope processing, authenticated encryption, multiple...
  • software

    Phildb: Version 0.6.1

    Bug fix release: Fix when frequency string doesn't have numeric prefix. Pandas doesn't include a numeric prefix for frequency type 'T' so this fix sets the multiplier to (the...
  • software

    Cook codebooks from survey metadata encoded in attributes in R

    codebook 0.7.4 Additions Function new_codebook_rmd creates a new file in your working directory with a codebook template. Function metadata can be used to set dataset-level...
  • software

    ASAP - ATAC-Seq Analysis Pipeline

    ASAP is a flexible analysis pipeline for ATAC-seq data analysis. Starting from raw ATAC-seq sequencing reads, ASAP outputs raw and filtered mapping files, coverage files (reads...
  • software

    ReactionMechanismGenerator/ARC: ARC 1.1.0

    ARC Version 1.1.0 ARC - Automated Rate Calculator is a software for automating electronic structure calculations relevant for chemical kinetic modeling. ARC has many advanced...