feelpp: Feel++ 0.101.1

Closed issues: Support mean linear functional #704 degree of polynomial #703 Refactor CreateSubMeshTool #700 Change default FEELPP_MESH_MAX_ORDER to 2 #697 feel_test_integration FTBS #693 Exporter Ensight: variable names with space characters #692 provide free function to generate a VectorPetsc shared/unique pointer from a PETSc vector #688 cmake broken for quickstart #686 Implement Ksp post and pre solve functions #685 Preconditioner, Worldcomm, rebuild #682 Package not compiling #679 FTBS thermodyn #677 FTBS with clang: feelmodels/modelproperties.cpp #676 Support symmetric/SPD matrices and trigger associated solver/preconditioners #673 Exporter prefix #672 Add functions to check for Inf and NaN in eigen3 data structures #669 Support for time adaptation #666 Support addition bilinear form scaled by a scalar #664 Json parser does not support comments in boost 1.59.0 #659 Improve timer support #657 Bug in assignment operator for forms #656 Reduce mesh data structure memory footprint and improve loading #653 Allow to change value on diagonal for elimination #652 Add support to get test and trial function in dsel from expression #651 Refactor createSubmesh #648 create meaningful type with using for mesh filters #647 Add support for description of fields #646 Use of two "nested" preconditioners fails in parallel #645 support markededges() as an alias to markedfaces() in 2D #644 Move to c++14 by default #640 Support range() to create lists containing arithmetic progressions #639 Support interpolant from H^1 to H^curl and more generally the De Rahm Diagram #638 nonlinear pow function works only with integer #636 Geometry file parse variable bug #634 documentation: add a link to the book on feelpp.org #632 Add control for model instantiation in cmake #629 Refactor mesh/filters.hpp #626 Add free functions for accessing local and global ranks in data structures #625 Allow different C++ standard support #622 EnsightGold exporter is broken #621 Reinitialization with fast marching method in sequential on mesh with hypercubes (and Simplexes) #620 FTBS with petsc/slepc 3.6.0 #617 Fixed mpi warning in slurm generated scripts #614 Move precAFP to benchmarks/magnetostatic #613 Change default path for exporter #611 Add support for ExtendedFieldFromInterface #610 Improve performance of assembly of complex terms in bilinear terms #609 Exporters: behavior differences between add( ... ) function of exporter and add( ... ) function of a time step #604 Support integral evaluation of a vector of scalars, vectors or matrices #603 Bug in blockns #601 add createSubVector for PetscVector #599 Support higher order meshes for levelset #596 Extract block diagonal matrix #593 Bug in RT0 in 3D: no convergence #592 Timers table for Feel++ #591 Quickstart sample not building: feelpp_qs_sm_3d #590 add support for prefix in loadMesh #588 Optimisation of laplacian for p=2 #581 Vectorial Laplacian and Hypercube #580 Improve documentation #578 FTBS inner keyword when using terminal keyword #577 Support new keyword : msi #572 Support more features in the ginac parser #568 Allow new quadrature formulas in integrate #564 EigenSolver : remove unconverged eigenfunctions #562 Support HDF5 format #560 Wrong exact integration value from testsuite #559 Support traits like is_edge, is_face, is_point,... #556 Ensight exporter and 2d markers #554 markerToDof using face marker #553 VTK exporter 3D numbering #551 Providing options to Petsc. #550 Add support for modulo #549 Add support for casting expressions from one type to another in the language #548 Add support for random number generation in language #547 Add support for floor and ceil in language #546 Bug in handling face dof in vectorial finite elements (e.g. Nedelec,RT) #544 L2 projection seems broken in feeldicr/projector.cpp #541 Support interpolation and dirichlet conditions based on range of edges and points #537 Clean up tangent and normal computation in local interpolant #536 Support Matrix fields #535 Add support for component-wise dirichlet condition in vector fields #534 eigenPair : each call erase previous eigen functions #533 Support Null Space in solver #531 Linking fails for high-order geometries with hypercube elements #528 Problem inside createGMSHMesh #526 Load several config files #525 Feel++ 0.100.0 Beta 1 release doesn't compile on OS X #519 Gmsh header lost #517 Problem in macro FEELPP_VERSION_GREATER_THAN #514 homebrew compilation fails #513 Problems when linking Feel++ develop version #494 Support assembly PˆT A P #492 CMake modification: FindFeel++.cmake #479 Support updateMarkers() functions for faces #467 OpenMP not usable #464 Support factorisation based preconditioner for Navier-Stokes (e.g. BTPCD and PCD) #460 Support concatenation of mesh elements containers #455 Support new interpolation framework in OperatorInterpolation and possibly other classes #448 compilation error with chi expression #442 Change ginac expression management #395 Support variable expansion in options #391 Mesh export for parallel execution #367 Bug in mesh generated by operator Lagrange P1 in 3d #199 Support laplacian keyword for scalar and vector fields #146 Merged pull requests: Feature/updatemarker #701 (prudhomm) Feature/sanitize #696 (prudhomm) fixes #580 and associated to #581: laplacian on hypercube #695 (prudhomm) Install Feel++ main dependencies using CMake #689 (aancel) Feature/prec adapt ns #684 (prudhomm) Correction of testsuite fails from #586 #683 (LANTZT) Issue #672: Exporter prefix #675 (aancel) Feature/symm #674 (prudhomm) Feature/findfeelpp (Issue #479) #670 (aancel) Feature/hdf5 grp #667 (gdolle) Feature/prec ams #663 (vhuber) implement #527 : mpd and interval #661 (prudhomm) implement the hdf5 format in save and load #660 (prudhomm) Feature/faster #654 (prudhomm) Feature/derahm #641 (prudhomm) Holo3 Image Correlation #627 (LANTZT) Doxygen documentation update #618 (bachir151) Feature/fsi #616 (prudhomm) Benchmark IO #606 (youldrouis) msi operator tests #589 (LANTZT) MultiScale Image keyword #585 (LANTZT) Holo3 Quadrature formula #570 (LANTZT) Add a Gitter chat badge to README.md #538 (gitter-badger)

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PID https://www.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.49586
PID https://www.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.49573
PID https://www.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.45132
URL http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.45132
URL http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.49586
URL https://figshare.com/articles/feelpp_Feel_0_100_0/11639817
URL http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.49573
URL https://zenodo.org/record/49573
URL https://zenodo.org/record/49586
URL https://zenodo.org/record/45132
Access Modality

Description: The Access Modality category includes attributes that report the modality of exploitation of the resource.

Field Value
Access Right Open Source

Description: Authorships and contributors

Field Value
Author Christophe Prud'homme
Author Vincent Chabannes
Author Vincent Huber
Author StephaneVeys
Author Alexandre Ancel
Author Cécile Daversin
Author Tarabay
Author jbwahl
Author Doyeux
Author prj-
Author Guillaume Dollé
Author Trophime
Author asamake
Author Benjamin Vanthong
Author Mourad ISMAIL
Author Romain Hild
Author Kyoshe Winstone
Author schenone
Author Thibaut Metivet
Author Gonçalo
Author Denis Barbier
Author clayrc
Author stpriem
Author youldrouis
Author Jeremy Veysset
Author The Gitter Badger
Author Check your git settings!
Author Samy Pessé

Description: Attributes about the publishing venue (e.g. journal) and deposit location (e.g. repository)

Field Value
Collected From Zenodo; Datacite; figshare
Hosted By Zenodo; figshare
Publication Date 2016-04-12
Publisher Zenodo
Additional Info
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Language UNKNOWN
Resource Type Software
system:type software
Management Info
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Source https://science-innovation-policy.openaire.eu/search/software?softwareId=dedup_wf_001::642f9ae50eed125cf701ea2f46b0ce27
Author jsonws_user
Last Updated 17 December 2020, 16:57 (CET)
Created 17 December 2020, 16:57 (CET)