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Groups: Datacite Tags: Cancer Marine Biology Science Policy

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    Raw data for the qPCR experiments. See readme file for a list of the columns' contents.
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    Additional file 5: of Growth zone segmentation in the milkweed bug Oncopeltus...

    Raw measurement data for eve. CSV file including the raw measurement data for eve expression. Each column is a single embryo, with each cell representing a summation of pixel...
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    A gzipped csv documenting the tag, read sequence, and associated qualities of all reads matching the majority read length (documented in read lengths csv) of gDNA 10^-2 sample,...
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    M618E0-Control RBC

    Flow cytometry raw data. Flow cytometry files (.fcs) generated using a LSRII flow cytometer.
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    Galaxy workflow file (json data format) for WTS data processing, it can be imported to another Galaxy server. (GA 23Â kb)
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    Additional file 2: of Perceived barriers to success for resident physicians i...

    Title of data: Data set in questionnaire format. Description: Full data set in survey questionnaire format via PDF. (PDF 2448 kb)
  • dataset

    Get Outer Core Angular Momentum

    Get Outer Core Angular Momentum Set of code (written in Matlab R2017) used to model the outer core's angular momentum from surface deformation (GPS) data, based on the...
  • dataset

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of TGF-beta1 regulates human brain pericyte infl...

    List of antibodies used for immunocytochemistry. List of antibodies, suppliers and dilutions used for immunocytochemistry studies. (16.9 kb)
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    MERGED clean pruned set of SNPs MAP

    This file contains the SNP position data in the Plink 'map' format for the 74876 SNPs after filtering and LD pruning. See Table 1 in the manuscript
  • dataset

    The Red Queen in the Repository: metadata quality in an ever-changing environ...

    This fileset contains a preprint version of the conference paper (.pdf), presentation slides (as .pptx) and the dataset(s) and validation schema(s) for the IDCC 2019 (Melbourne)...
  • dataset


    SD3_HSat3A6ArraySizeEstimates.txt: This file lists the 396 male samples for whom we estimated HSat3A6 array sizes. The first column lists the Sample ID, the second column lists...
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    A gzipped csv documenting the tag, read sequence, and associated qualities of all reads matching the majority read length (documented in read lengths csv) of PCR-based 10^-5...
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    Additional file 4: Table S2. of Defining the nitrogen regulated transcriptome...

    Comparison of the gene expression profile between nitrogen-depleted continuous culture versus batch culture of M. smegmatis. (XLSX 88Â kb)
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    Flow cytometry raw data. Flow cytometry files (.fcs) generated using a LSRII flow cytometer.
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    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Forecast of the incidence, prevalence and bur...

    The data on the development of the population, economy and social insurance in Nanjing City (2004â 2014). (DOCX 14 kb)
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    Visualization 2: Focusing light with orbital angular momentum by circular arr...

    Electric field distribution of the vortex beam measured in time-domain. Originally published in Optics Express on 12 June 2017 (oe-25-12-13728)
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    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Paediatric Fabry disease: prognostic signific...

    List of ethics committees that approved the study. (PDF 30 kb)
  • dataset

    Transcription events constructed by txrevise

    List of pre-computed transcription events constructed by txrevise. See the txrevise home page for more details: https://github.com/kauralasoo/txrevise. If you use txrevise...