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Groups: Datacite Tags: Cancer Developmental Biology Space Science

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    Association of Modic change types and their short tau inversion recovery sign...

    Abstract Background Modic Changes (MCs, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) signal changes in the vertebral bone marrow extending from the vertebral endplate) may represent a...
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    Genes with up-regulated expression found in samples derived from cow mammary gland parenchyma infected with coagulase-positive Staphylococci in 3rd or 4th lactations (CoPS-3/4)....
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    Associations among left ventricular systolic function, tachycardia, and cardi...

    Abstract Background In sepsis, tachycardia may indicate low preload, adrenergic stimulation, or both. Adrenergic overstimulation is associated with septic cardiomyopathy. We...
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    Epigenetic and non-epigenetic mode of SIRT1 action during oocyte meiosis prog...

    Abstract Background SIRT1 histone deacetylase acts on many epigenetic and non-epigenetic targets. It is thought that SIRT1 is involved in oocyte maturation; therefore, the...
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    Additional file 4: Table S2. of Pharmacological regimens for eradication of H...

    Quality assessment of included studies based on revised AMSTAR checklist. (DOCX 17 kb)
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    Additional file 2: of Golgi tethering factor golgin-97 suppresses breast canc...

    Table S2. The primer sequences used in this study. (XLS 27Â kb)
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    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Forecast of the incidence, prevalence and bur...

    The data on the development of the population, economy and social insurance in Nanjing City (2004â 2014). (DOCX 14 kb)
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    Transcription events constructed by txrevise

    List of pre-computed transcription events constructed by txrevise. See the txrevise home page for more details: https://github.com/kauralasoo/txrevise. If you use txrevise...
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    Additional file 1: of BCL9L expression in pancreatic neoplasia with a focus o...

    Mean RNA expression Ratio derived from two independent experiments, normalized against GAPDH. (XLSX 12 kb)
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    Additional file 3: Table S2. of The quality of reporting in cluster randomise...

    Type of randomised cluster. Table containing additional demographic data of the included trials in the review. (DOCX 12 kb)
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    Demographic data

    **P<0.01; SD, standard deviation; Max/Min, maximal/minimal.The number of participants did not differ between genders (Chi-square P>0.05). The dancer and pianist groups...
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    Additional file 1 of On the survival of 48 h Plasmodium vivax Aotus monkey-de...

    Additional file 1: Table S1. Individual P. vivax SAL-1 infected Aotus monkeys parasitemias of filtered or retained iRBCs ex-vivo cultures incubated with McCoy’s5A media...
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    MOESM2 of Rescue fecal microbiota transplantation for antibiotic-associated d...

    Additional file 2. Figure S1. Work flow of rescue FMT in Chinese fmtBank.
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    Additional file 1: of Identification of QTLs controlling aroma volatiles usin...

    Frequency of detection of the 148 detected juice volatiles in ‘Fortune’, ‘Murcott’ and the F1 progeny. This file contains a table showing the detection frequency of juice...
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    MOESM3 of Interleukin-1 signaling induced by Streptococcus suis serotype 2 is...

    Additional file 3. Addition of Alum enhances S. suis nucleic acid-induced IL-1β production by bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (bmDCs). IL-1β production by bmDCs following...
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    Additional file 9: Table S4. of No evidence for a bovine mastitis Escherichia...

    All-strain soft core genome with 70% inclusion cutoff. (XLSX 185 kb)
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    Additional file 6: of Breast cancer PAM50 signature: correlation and concorda...

    Code. Normalization and PAM50 scripts for both platforms. Scripts used to perform the PAM50 assay in RNA-Seq and NanoString nCounter® platforms, along with additional...
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    Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Blood as a route of transmission of uterine ...

    Alpha diversity of blood, fecal, and uterine bacterial communities. (A) Chao1 and (B) Shannon index. A box shows the 25th and 75th percentiles and the horizontal line inside the...
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    Effect of driving pressure on mortality in ARDS patients during lung protecti...

    Abstract Background Driving pressure (ΔPrs) across the respiratory system is suggested as the strongest predictor of hospital mortality in patients with acute respiratory...
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    Additional file 1: of Platform-independent gene expression signature differen...

    Table S1. The list of qRT-PCR primers for signature genes. Table S2. Normalized expression levels (median and MAD) obtained by qRT-PCR from 45 independent FFPE samples and the...