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Groups: Datacite Tags: Sociology Space Science

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    Peer feedback for examiner quality assurance on MRCGP International South Asi...

    Abstract Background The International Membership Examination (MRCGP[INT]) of the Royal College of General Practitioners UK is a unique collaboration between four South Asian...
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    Transcription events constructed by txrevise

    List of pre-computed transcription events constructed by txrevise. See the txrevise home page for more details: https://github.com/kauralasoo/txrevise. If you use txrevise...
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    Validation Stats

    Sigma-Plot file containing data for validation statistics in Table 1. An excel file containing just the data-sheets is also provided under the same name for those with no...
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    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Encephalitis associated with human herpesviru...

    Microbiological assessment performed on the patient’s samples. (ODT 19 kb)
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    Additional file 13 of A comparison of self-reported and device measured seden...

    Additional file 13: Supplemental figure 13. Forest plot comparing self-report and device measures of total sedentary or sitting time across wear locations, minutes/day.
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    Additional file 5: of Improving the safety of disposable auto-injection devic...

    Appendix S5. A complete list of operational difficulties. (XLSX 10Â kb)
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    An open access medical knowledge base for community driven diagnostic decisio...

    Abstract Introduction While early diagnostic decision support systems were built around knowledge bases, more recent systems employ machine learning to consume large amounts of...
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    Additional file 3: Table S2. of The quality of reporting in cluster randomise...

    Type of randomised cluster. Table containing additional demographic data of the included trials in the review. (DOCX 12 kb)
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    Metadata for Historical Corpora. Realization of the Metamodel for Corpus Meta...

    TEI ODD Customization for the documentation of historical corpora: The TEI ODD customizations map the Metamodel for Corpus Metadata (MCM) to a TEI p5 header structure for each...
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    Additional file 2: of Case report: severe asymptomatic hyponatremia in Prader...

    Time-line summarizing the clinical course of the child described in this case report. (PPTX 76Â kb)
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    Additional file 4: of Does Value Stream Mapping affect the structure, process...

    Includes an overview of the included studies. The table shows information about included studies (reference number), country, setting, name of intervention, stated aim, study...
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    Detailed ground truth measurements and error visualization for each team, as well as the 3D point cloud of the evaluation area related to the Microsoft Indoor Localization...
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    Demographic data

    **P<0.01; SD, standard deviation; Max/Min, maximal/minimal.The number of participants did not differ between genders (Chi-square P>0.05). The dancer and pianist groups...
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    Additional file 7: Table S5. of National survey and point prevalence study of...

    National survey: first choice of sedative analgesic delivery regimen reported by units. (PDF 59 kb)
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    bootstrap results for RAxML analysis
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    Additional file 1: of Visual impairment, coping strategies and impact on dail...

    Coding framework with the two main themes identified for the current paper. (DOCX 15 kb)
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    Additional file 3: of Faecal carriage of antibiotic resistant Escherichia col...

    Data quality charts (split by studies reporting prevalence of resistance only and prevalence plus antibiotic exposure). (DOCX 77 kb)
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    This file includes a tutored example of analysis using a simulation, followed by the analysis of the case study on Hoge Veluwe great tits.