141 items found

Groups: Datacite figshare Open Access Tags: 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified Developmental Biology Evolutionary Biology Molecular Biology Neuroscience

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  • dataset

    Study dataset.

    Compliance with NPG checklist items: data dictionary available in project space. In version 2, 7 errors from the previous version at database lock (publication date for PMID...
  • dataset


    The table shows the number of aggressive events by focal Hypsophrys nicaraguensis territory owners. The ID of the territory, sex of each focal individual, stimulus type, order...
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    We measured larval mortality for S. droebachiensis at 3 different temperatures (3, 10 and 21 °C) reared in 4-l culture jars (n = 3). Temperatures in the jars were maintained...
  • dataset

    Sample description.

    BDI-II: Beck Depression Inventory II [38]. STAI-T: trait scale of the State-Trait-Anxiety-Inventory [39]. LEC: Life Events Checklist [40]. Test for differences between groups:...
  • dataset

    MOESM8 of Spatio-temporal characterization of S- and M/L-cone degeneration in...

    Additional file 8. Representative images of genuine S-cones, genuine M/L-cones and dual cones in the superior peripheral retina of Rd1 mice at postnatal day 14. Double labeling...
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    File includes inputs and outputs of the MKprf tests (Bustamante et al. 2002).
  • dataset

    table of nucleotide sequences used as barcodes

    Contains the sequences of all barcodes used to genotype samples described in the paper. Numeric ID numbers correspond to the ID numbers in samples_barcodes.csv. Can be used as...
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    Opsin expression data for Narrow to Broad experiment

    Expression values for all opsins normalized to cone type (single/double cone) and housekeeping gene (GNAT2).
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    Fasta file for representative sequences within Nematode_OTUTable file.
  • dataset

    Additional file 2: of Neuroprotective effect of a novel Chinese herbal decoct...

    An excel file containing all the data used for plotting the bar charts. (XLSX 14 kb)
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    Sampling locations.

    *Transect refers to the straight distance along which samples were collected at each site. The three sites for P. jubatus are contained within the Munchique National Park (Fig. 2).
  • dataset


    The file ‘interaction matrices.zip’ is a compressed folder that contains 232 text files. Each file contains a matrix where each row (and column) represents a single individual....
  • dataset

    Zip archive with data and script files

    Data and script files from the selection experiment.
  • dataset

    Genotype data

    The TalentiEtAl_2017.ped file contains the unphased genotype data for all the 929 animals described in the paper: "Genomic analysis suggests KITLG is responsible for a roan...
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    Dataset as the supporting information of the manuscript: Intervention on default contagion under partial information in a financial network published by journal PLOS ONE. The...
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    Enumeration Of Williamson Sequences Divisible By 2 Or 3

    These files contain an enumeration of all inequivalent Williamson sequences of orders divisible by 2 or 3 and up to 70 as defined in the paper "Applying Computer...
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    Raw Sanger Sequence Files

    Raw Sanger Sequence Files
  • dataset

    Baseline characteristics of participants.

    Data are presented as mean±SD, median (interquartile range) or percent. Chi-square test for categorical variables, the unpaired t test or Mann-Whitney U test for continuous...
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    Body Temperature files

    Text files containing the body temperature recordings from individual female laboratory mice housed singly, in pairs, or in groups of 5 in laboratory cages. Temperature is in...
  • dataset

    Cochlear nucleus data file 1 (file 1 out of 8)

    These Matlab MAT files (8 in total) contain multiunit activity electrophysiological data recorded from the mouse dorsal cochlear nucleus. The data were collected using silicon...