The Bright Elusive Butterfly of Value in Health Technology Development

The current system of health technology development is characterised by multiple misalignments. The "supply" side (innovation policy-makers, entrepreneurs, investors) and the "demand" side (health policy-makers, regulators, health technology assessment, purchasers) operate under different – and conflicting – logics. The system is less a "pathway" than an unstable ecosystem of multiple interacting sub-systems. "Value" means different things to each of the numerous actors involved. Supply-side dynamics are built on fictions; regulatory checks and balances are designed to assure quality, safety and efficacy, not to ensure that technologies entering the market are either desirable or cost-effective. Assessment of comparative and cost-effectiveness usually comes too late in the process to shape an innovation’s development. We offer no simple solutions to these problems, but in the spirit of commencing a much-needed public debate, we suggest some tentative ways forward. First, universities and public research funders should play a more proactive role in shaping the system. Second, the role of industry in forging long-term strategic partnerships for public benefit should be acknowledged (though not uncritically). Third, models of "responsible innovation" and public input to research priority-setting should be explored. Finally, the evidence base on how best to govern inter-sectoral health research partnerships should be developed and applied.

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PID pmc:PMC5745872
PID pmid:29325407
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Author Greenhalgh, Trisha
Author Fahy, Nick
Author Shaw, Sara

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Collected From PubMed Central
Hosted By Europe PubMed Central
Journal International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 7, 1
Publication Date 2017-05-01
Publisher Kerman University of Medical Sciences
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Language English
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Author jsonws_user
Last Updated 24 December 2020, 11:39 (CET)
Created 24 December 2020, 11:39 (CET)