Simulation results of two agent-based models of logistics systems

The data set contains the simulation results of the two different agent-based models of logistics systems:  1. A medical treatment facility (MTF) model, consisting of agents representing wounded soldiers and fixed sites representing medical facilities. 2. A ship fueling (SF) simulation, consisting of agents representing fuel transport ships and fixed sites representing fuel-using bases. Folders in folder "MTF" are related to the MTF model. Files in folder "casualty_rateX" are related to the case with casualty rate of X new casualties per time step, where X = 30, 50, 70, . . . , 330. Each file "RunN_casualtyX_fullness.txt" has the "fullness" (defined as the ratio of the number of patients at a site to the total patient capacity of that site) of each site for each time step, where the run number N = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 100. Each file "RunN_casualtyX_dow.txt" has the total number of Dead Of Wounds that occur in all sites in each time step, where the run number N = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 100. Folders in folder "SF" are related to the SF model. Files in folder "siteMaxX" are related to the case with an initial (and maximum) site fuel value of X units, where X = 25, 50, 75, . . . , 200. Each file "assetTowedFuelHistory_siteMaxX_N.txt" has the number of towed fuel units for each asset for each time step for run number N, where N = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 100. Each file "assetUseFuelHistory_siteMaxX_N.txt" has the number of onboard fuel units for each asset for each time step for run number N, where N = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 100. Each file "siteHistory_siteMaxX_N.txt" has the number of fuel units at each site for each time step for run number N, where N = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 100.

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Access Right Open Access

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Author Hogg, James
Author Fonoberova, Maria
Author Mezic, Igor
Author Mohr, Ryan

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Collected From Zenodo; Datacite; figshare
Hosted By Zenodo; figshare
Publication Date 2019-02-25
Publisher Zenodo
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Language UNKNOWN
Resource Type Dataset
system:type dataset
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Author jsonws_user
Version None
Last Updated 7 January 2021, 23:55 (CET)
Created 7 January 2021, 23:55 (CET)