Inventory and characterisation of initiatives: final report

In the context of the preparation of the future research and innovation Framework Programme of the European Union (FP9), the study collects and analyses evidence of current and recent mission-oriented research and innovation initiatives in European Member States and other major economies around the world. The study includes a desk research improving the understanding of mission-oriented R&I initiatives, a definition, and an inventory and analysis of over forty ongoing initiatives (of which seven in depth cases) addressing major global challenges, such as climate change, health, ageing or food security. The analyses explore implementation and management, including their governance structure, the policy mix as well as the monitoring systems and evaluation mechanisms. The Study highlights that there is a plurality of mission-oriented R&I initiatives. Directionality and intentionality nevertheless differentiate them from other initiatives, such as those that are challenge-driven. The success of these initiatives highly depends on pre-conditions, such as institutions and policies already in place as well as existing capacities and knowledge.

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Author Fisher, Robbert
Author Chicot, Julien
Author Domini, Alberto
Author Polt, Wolfgang
Author Turk, Andreas
Author Unger, Maximilian
Author Kuittinen, Hanna
Author Arrilucea, Eva
Author Van Der Zee, Frans
Author Goetheer, Arjen
Author Lehenkari, Janne
Author Pelkonen, Antti
Author Kristensen
Author Frans Skov

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Collected From VTT Research Information System; VIRTA
Hosted By VTT Research Information System; VIRTA
Publication Date 2018-05-08
Publisher European Commission EC
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Language English
Resource Type Report; Book
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Author jsonws_user
Last Updated 25 December 2020, 22:30 (CET)
Created 25 December 2020, 22:30 (CET)