
Additional file 3. Platform Owner Canvas. The Platform Owner Canvas aims to inform a platform owner what to consider regarding his own firm, platform and the ecosystem forming around its platform. The user of the canvas should approach it by putting on the ‘platform owner’s hat’. The Platform Owner Canvas comprises four main categories that have proven to be key in the design, development and implementation processes. The first category refers to the platform owner’s own firm and the design thereof. Within this category, the concepts were grouped according to their respective relations to the platform vision, the internal organisation and the operations within the firm. The platform vision includes concepts concerning the core of the platform, its purpose and future trajectory. The second category comprises the platform design with two subcategories. These two subcategories refer to the technology infrastructure and corresponding rules and regulations. Technology infrastructure specifically includes the technical and software considerations of the platform. Next, the platform ecosystem considerations relating to the platform’s ecosystem and its external environment are included. The external environment focus on competition and it emphasises the need to look outside of the platform and ecosystem for sustained success and evolution. The final category for this canvas includes the evolution of the platform. Subsequent to understanding of the platform owner’s key concepts, the Developer Canvas follows.

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Description: The Identity category includes attributes that support the identification of the resource.

Field Value
Access Modality

Description: The Access Modality category includes attributes that report the modality of exploitation of the resource.

Field Value
Access Right Open Access

Description: Authorships and contributors

Field Value
Author Herman, Hilde
Author Grobbelaar, Sara S., 0000-0002-2793-9689
Author Calie Pistorius

Description: Attributes about the publishing venue (e.g. journal) and deposit location (e.g. repository)

Field Value
Collected From figshare; Datacite
Hosted By figshare
Publication Date 2020-03-12
Additional Info
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Language UNKNOWN
Resource Type Other literature type
keyword FOS: Biological sciences
keyword FOS: Earth and related environmental sciences
system:type publication
Management Info
Field Value
Author jsonws_user
Last Updated 26 December 2020, 23:24 (CET)
Created 26 December 2020, 23:24 (CET)