529 items found

Licenses: License Not Specified Tags: Evolutionary Biology Medicine Science Policy Types: publication

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    1. National Coordination Point for Research Data Management in the Netherlands

    How do we deal with the explosion of data we are facing in education and research in the Netherlands? How can we store all this data so that it remains accessible for reuse,...
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    Terceiro Setor: captação de recursos e desenvolvimento institucional

    Organizações sem fins lucrativos devem atuar como organizações modernas, usando-se de ferramentas contemporâneas para atuar em favor de seus objetivos sociais com perspectivas...
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    The Turing Way: Reproducible, Ethical, Collaborative Data Science

    Kirstie's training for Turing doctoral and induction students on 25 September 2019. Not all slides are available as some contain links to shared notes that are not designed to...
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    Slide of the Euphresco project 'Assessment of Dickeya and Pectobacterium spp. on potatoes and ornamentals' Project funded through the Euphresco network
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    Vernetzung durch Normdaten - Die Gemeinsame Normdatei und das BEACON-Verfahren

    Die Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek enthält Basisinformationen zu Personen und weiteren Entitäten wie Geografika und stellt dafür jeweils eine...
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    Polar Codes for Terabit/s Data Rates

    A presentation on Polar codes for Terabit/s Data Rates, which was given at the International Symposium on Turbo Codes and Iterative Information Processing 2018 (ISTC 2018), in...
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    The Matthew Effect In Open Science

    The existence of a “Matthew Effect” (a feedback loop where (dis)advantage tends to beget further (dis)advantage) in science has long been recognised. In 1968, Merton[1] proposed...
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    Erstellung Eines Historischen Korpus Mit Mehrebenenannotation

    Im DFG-Projekt "Entwicklung der satzinternen Großschreibung im Deutschen" wird ein Korpus aus frühneuhochdeutschen Hexenverhörprotokollen (Macha et al. 2005) erstellt. Im...
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    University of Kassel: Mikropolitik - Aylin Dalkiran

    Attached, you will find a presentation of a seminar at the University of Kassel concerning the topics police and micro politics. It's about playing games in police structures...
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    Konzeptuelle Überlegungen für den nachhaltigen Umgang mit Dokumenten der öffentlichen Hand gezeigt am Beispiel eines Open Access Repositorium der österreichischen Raumplanung....
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    Labeling System

    Als Linked Open Data wird die direkte Vernetzung von frei verfügbaren Daten im Internet bezeichnet. Aufgrund der ständig wachsenden Datenmenge ergeben sich für die...
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    QSO project: Giant Lyman alpha nebula around the hyper-luminous quasar SDSS J...

    Giant Lyman alpha nebulae (GLAN) are the largest coherent cosmic structures associated to luminous quasars. They fill the quasar circumgalactic medium possibly constituting an...
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    Herausforderungen von sozial-ökologischen Transformationen zur Nachhaltigkeit

    Presentation on "Herausforderungen von sozial-ökologischen Transformationen zur Nachhaltigkeit" given at the "Holzhausen Science Forum „Interdisziplinarität 4.0“. BMBWF"...
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    LIBER Webinar: Data Curation From A Practical Perspective

    There are many guides, checklists and workshops that address the services and skills needed for effective data curation. However, what researchers think they need, and our...
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    Неспецифические воспалительные заболевания женских половых органов. Дисбактер...

    На русском: [Шевченко А.С. Доклад "Неспецифические воспалительные заболевания женских половых органов. Дисбактериальные вагинозы" / Общество акушеров-гинекологов. День акушера,...
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    Identifying Data Sharing and Data Reuse in Full-text NIMH-funded papers

    Poster presented at the 2020 conference for the Organization for Human Brain Mapping
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    Working towards a global open access repositories network for a networked sch...

    The World Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) is a young, fast growing association of repository initiatives and networks uniting and representing almost 100...
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    Karl Kraus contra … Die Rechtsakten eines österreichischen Satirikers

    Am Bekanntesten ist der österreichische Satiriker Karl Kraus für seine scharfzüngigen Polemiken und Parodien, die er in seiner über Jahrzehnte beinah ganz allein verfassten...
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    Probing top quark couplings in associated top quark productions (ttV, tV)

    Probing top quark couplings in associated top quark productions (ttV, tV)
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    Iraqw Texts and Society

    The Iraqw Texts in Society Project is a broad project aimed at improving the Iraqw language materials available to the Iraqw language community. This talk is a report on two...