64 items found

Types: software Tags: Developmental Biology Molecular Biology Science Policy

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  • software


    Group Factor Analysis Code Decomposes a set of expressions into a group expression. The expression regulation can be studied via an ANOVA that relates it to the observables in...
  • software


    gitflower allows you to fetch files from different git repositories into one common file structure. This enables you to produce single files ("workflow descriptions"), which...
  • software


    This project is non-funded and completely voluntary. The main idea behind this is to bridge the gap between the remote sensing technology associated automation and individuals...
  • software


    This archive contains the top-level code and dependency specifications needed to reproduce the scientific communications materials for the “A Whole-Brain Map and Multivariate...
  • software


    Tool for the determination of simultaneity factors in PEV charging processes
  • software


    This record collates DOIs for the software components used in 'Code generation for generally mapped finite elements'. The Firedrake components and dependencies used were:...
  • software

    Additional file 4: of CNV analysis in the Lithuanian population

    Programme for CNVR formation. Includes README_16_02_2014.txt file. (PY 12 kb)
  • software


    Group Factor Analysis Code Decomposes a set of expressions into a group expression. The expression regulation can be studied via an ANOVA that relates it to the observables in...
  • software


    GenerateAG.m is a short MATLAB script that calculates a restricted generalized inverse AG using input data from an atmospheric photochemistry mechanism. The inverse problem...
  • software


    Cobb-Dug L-opt 2.mw  --- нахождение оптимального плана, если точки плана внутренние optim_design.mw --- проверка оптимальности плана, если точки плана --- углы единичного...
  • software


    Usage: ./filter_fasta.py [path to input dir] [path to accepted taxon list]. Input files are expected to be in fasta format. The script will traverse all files in the input dir,...
  • software


    Depuis 2015, le SCD de l’Université de Guyane est engagé dans un renouvellement de sa pédagogie : des séquences de jeux sont régulièrement introduites dans ses formations à...
  • software


    Pretrained weights for TractSeg for output type "TOM".
  • software


    This is the analysis code for our paper at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbagrm.2019.194444 It was used to generate all figures in the article (report directory).
  • software


    Group Factor Analysis Code Decomposes a set of expressions into a group expression. The expression regulation can be studied via an ANOVA that relates it to the observables in...
  • software


    This file contains all the scripts and formated data that were used for the ms entitled "The quiescent X, the replicative Y and the Autosomes" by Achaz et al. The biorxiv...
  • software


    This file or directory contains supplementary material (code) for Chapter 7 in 'Modeling excitable tissue - the EMI framework' by A. P. Buccino, M. Kutcha, J. Schreiner, and K....
  • software


    voPerson is both a set of recommendations and an ldap attribute schema (object class), intended to provide a common reference point for attribute management within a Virtual...
  • software


    Se ha propuesto muchos modelos para determinar el comportamiento epidemiológico del Covid-19 . Aquí proponemos un modelo sigmoidal que sus parámetros son ajustados mediante un...
  • software


    Python script used to pre-process raw sequencing reads. Calls on three data files: 2 raw sequencing read files in FastA format ("X.TCA.454Reads.fna"), and "barcodeIDs.txt"