186 items found

Groups: Datacite Tags: Biochemistry Science Policy data

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  • dataset

    data for "Mismeasurement of the core-shell structure of black carbon-containi...

    The data for "Mismeasurement of the core-shell structure of black carbon-containing ambient aerosols by SP2 measurements"
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    raw SNP data_Rahmani sheep
  • dataset

    Full length TE seqeunces of spinach

    These data were analyzed as a part of the following publicaiton: " The landscape of transposable elements and satellite DNAs in the genome of a dioecious plant spinach (Spinacia...
  • dataset

    Study dataset.

    Compliance with NPG checklist items: data dictionary available in project space. In version 2, 7 errors from the previous version at database lock (publication date for PMID...
  • dataset


    Testing three different sensitive sequence aligners (BLAT, BLASTn, LAST) on simulated data generated from reference human mitochondrial genome along with genomes with a deletion...
  • dataset

    Needles and Lightning Leader Dynamics Imaged with 100–200 MHz Broadband VHF I...

    The data supports the manuscript entitled “Needles and Lightning Leader Dynamics Imaged with 100–200 MHz Broadband VHF Interferometry” that is submitted to...
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    Demographic data

    **P<0.01; SD, standard deviation; Max/Min, maximal/minimal.The number of participants did not differ between genders (Chi-square P>0.05). The dancer and pianist groups...
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    raw data

    raw data
  • dataset


    This is the raw data used to analyze the chemotypes from the different locations across the US
  • dataset

    Oligocene plotopterid skulls from western North America and their bearing on ...

    ABSTRACTPlotopterids are penguin-like, wing-propelled birds with controversial phylogenetic affinities. They are usually regarded as closely related to Suloidea (gannets,...
  • dataset

    ARCO kids &amp; SLIT_sensitivity change_raw data

    Final dataset used in this present study
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    Data from Experiment 2 of Wale et al. 2017, PNAS.

    Excel file containing (sheet 1) raw data from Experiment 2 & (sheet 2) information describing the contents.
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    Data set related to the manuscript "Efficient prediction of Nucleus Independe...

    Input/output files for Gaussian calculations, data sets for all plots shown in the manuscript "Efficient prediction of Nucleus Independent Chemical Shifts for polycyclic...
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    chemistry &amp; microclimate

    this excel file contain data related to the analysis of chemistry and microclimate
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    Benson et al. 2019 Food Value Manuscript Data

    The following file contains README information and raw data in support of this manuscript.
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    data set

    This is a data set of the paper.
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    Evaluating the Shame Resilience Theory Data

    Raw data set from study as well as scored data for each measure and scored data for ICIAI sub-scales. 
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    Data Summary

    Summary of thirty game structures that compose the full combined data set [6–13]. BR 2006 [8] and DB 2005 [7] both also conducted one-shot games; we only describe and use their...
  • dataset

    MeSCCon - Medical Spanish Chemical compound, drug and medication Name Lexicon...

    The MeSCCon (Medical Spanish Chemical compound, drug and medication Name Lexicon) consists of a list or gazetteer of candidate names of chemicals, drugs, and medications...
  • dataset

    Data File 1: Calculation method for laser radar cross sections of rotationall...

    Monostatic LRCS of the four kinds of rotational symmetries. Originally published in Applied Optics on 01 July 2017 (ao-56-19-5520)