720 items found

Types: publication Groups: Datacite Tags: Evolutionary Biology Immunology

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    Kiat Meningkatkan Peringkat Akreditasi Jurnal

    Webinar RJI Jateng Seri 4 Journal Publishing Management diadakan oleh Relawan Jurnal Indonesia Pengurus Daerah Jawa Tengah bekerjasama dengan Akademik Kebidanan Harapan Ibu...
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    Most of the diseases associated to the insect-transmitted bacterium Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) have been described in North and South America, but in the last five years widespread...
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    Additional file 1: of Semaphorin-5A maintains epithelial phenotype of maligna...

    List of human primers used in the study. (DOCX 14 kb)
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    Polar Codes for Terabit/s Data Rates

    A presentation on Polar Codes for Terabit/s Data Rates, which was given at the Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey.
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    ABSTRACTA convergent route to indoloquinolines is developed through aldol condensation. This two-step method utilizes commercially available 2-oxoindole and o-nitrobenzaldehyde...
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    Nachhaltigkeit durch Institutionalisierung: Die Open Policy des Austrian Cent...

    In der digitalen Geisteswissenschaft (“digital humanities”, DH) zeigt sich in den letzten Jahren ein zunehmender Trend in Richtung Öffnung von Forschungsmaterialien. Während in...
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    Besser als DEAL: Wie eine institutionelle Förderstruktur zu einem offenen Pub...

    Bibliotheken, die den Titel auf dem Überweisungträger von „Abonnement“ zu „APC“ ändern? Die Open Access Transformation sollte mehr leisten als das bestehende Gefüge unter...
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    Additional file 7: of Plasmodium parasites mount an arr...

    Supplementary information for bioinformatic methods used for RNA-seq data analysis. Complete descriptions and parameters of algorithms used and in-house Perl scripts for RNA-seq...
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    How Could Research Institutions Contribute To Eosc

    Presentation given by Marta Teperek on 19 February 2018 at the International Digital Curation Conference in Barcelona, Spain.
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    Repaying microcredit loans: A natural experiment on liability structure

    Microcredit loans were traditionally extended to groups of people. However, there is no clear evidence that joint liability does lead to better borrower performance and recent...
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    How FAR is FAIR? Der öffentliche Zugang zu geisteswissenschaftlichen Forschun...

    Präsentationsfolien für einen Vortrag im Rahmen des DH-Kolloquiums an der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW) am 02.08.2019 unter dem Titel: "How FAR is...
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    Data Governance and Policies

    Why does an institution need a data sharing policy?  What should a data sharing policy include? Data Access Committees and managed access route Recognition mechanisms for...
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    Poster presentation given by Gaelle Bégaud at the 19th International Symposium on Field and Flow Based Separations,  14-19th May:   Columbia, NC, USA. The poster is entitled...
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    Sustainable supplier selection and order allocation: a fuzzy approach

    This research develops a fuzzy, multi-objective, multi-product and multi-period mathematical model for sustainable supplier selection and order allocation in the automotive...
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    Open Science e Open Access nelle Scienze (Umane e non solo)

    Slide del seminario "Open Science e Open Access nelle Scienze (Umane, e non solo)" (materiale disponibile a https://github.com/open-sci/seminar-2019-06) che si è svolto il 20...
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    Edoc Publikationsserver Der Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin

    Der edoc-Publikationsserver der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU) ist ein Gemeinschaftsangebot von Universitätsbibliothek und Computer- und Medienservice. Er bietet allen...
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    Open Research, Open Access. Beyond compliance...

    Presentation on Open Research beyond REF compliance
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    Die Regulation der Pyruvatdecarboxylasen aus den Schlauchpilzen Kluyveromyces...

    Doktorarbeit Biochemie: Die Regulation der Pyruvatdecarboxylasen aus den Schlauchpilzen Kluyveromyces lactis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae und Neurospora crassa PhD thesis...
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    The virtues of Open Data are increasingly understood within the research domain, yet barriers remain for data producers to release data under an Open Data licence. Though...