72 items found

Types: publication Groups: Datacite ZENODO Tags: Cancer Evolutionary Biology Genetics Infectious Diseases Science Policy

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    Wind Lidar Digitalization

    Wind lidar technology has been increasingly used for wind energy applications for over a decade. During this time there has been an impressive development of a lidar community...
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    A major bottleneck for the exploitation of data from the Kepler mission for stellar astrophysics and exoplanet research has been the lack of precise radii and evolutionary...
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    Slides From "E-Humanities And E-Heritage Research Infrastructures: Beyond Too...

    This webinar will provide a theoretical basis for a general understanding of the digital and infrastructural turn in the (Digital) Humanities and Cultural Heritage along with...
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    (Non-)Ellipses in Dutch, English, and German: The case of because X

    In this paper, we offer an analysis of the because X construction as non-elliptical structures. Beside English, Dutch, and German, similar constructions exist in a number of...
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    Miglioramento di accesso e usabilità dei dati INSPIRE: iniziative attuali e f...

    La Direttiva INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe) è entrata in vigore nel 2007 con l’obiettivo di creare un’Infrastruttura di Dati Spaziali (IDS) unificata...
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    Biohacking in Africa: A Tool for Justice, Empowerment, and Development

    SOHA project evidences on: obstacles to the adoption of Open Science in Haiti and Africa Panel on Inclusion and Diversity MIT-MediaLab 22 – 24 september 2017
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    Renormalization-Group Equations Of Neutrino Masses And Flavor Mixing Paramete...

    We apply the general idea of renormalization-group equations (RGEs) to understand how neutrino masses and flavor mixing parameters evolve when neutrinos propagate in a medium....
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    SuperNEMO 0νββ sensitivity studies

    SuperNEMO is searching for the neutrinoless double-beta decay process which, if observed, would prove the Majorana nature of the neutrino. It builds on the strengths of its...
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    Intelligence artificielle et (vrais) apports opérationnels pour nos métiers Dystopie ou utopie, notre avenir se construira avec et non sans l’intelligence artificielle. Nous...
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    NARCIS & FREYA Can PIDs contribute to research in context?

    Abstract: NARCIS, the national gateway to scholarly information in the Netherlands (www.narcis.nl) contains information about publications, datasets, research projects,...
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    The squat jumping model revisited

    Presentation in Encontro 1, Biomecânica, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana/UTL. RELATED PUBLICATION: L. CONSIGLIERI, The squat jumping model revisited, in Proceedings of...
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    Lo Zelus renardii (Kolenati, 1857) (Heteroptera Reduviidae): un promettente p...

    Macrohomotoma gladiata ha invaso i Ficus spp. di Bari a partire dall’estate 2013, infestando intensamente molte piante delle alberate cittadine. La presenza del fitomizo si...
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    We consider the effect of neutrino spin oscillations νLe⇔νRe engendered by the neutrino weak interaction with the transversal matter current...
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    Langkah dan program untuk memperkokoh ideologi negara berbasis kearifan lokal adalah (1)  melakukan mapping identitas lokal (local identity mapping), (2) internalisasi dan...
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    (PDF) Acne No More Review: Mike Walden‎ | The Secrets to Curing Your Acne Hol...

    Mike Walden’s Acne No More is a 220 pages holistic online program that will help you cure acne permanently and heal your skin from the inside out. The Natural Acne No More is a...
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    L'utilizzo del servizio IRIS Lombardia: un esempio di riuso di codice e adatt...

    Il Servizio Meteorologico Regionale di Arpa Lombardia gestisce una rete di monitoraggio composta da oltre 200 stazioni per un totale di quasi 2000 sensori. Per favorire la...
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    Angling for data: making biodiversity metadata more FAIR

    Slightly revised (longer) PDF-version of presentation given at TDWG2017, Oct. 3, Ottawa. Abstract, published in: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 1: e20267 (14...
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    R-process enrichment in the early universe by the common envelope jets supern...

    We study r-process enrichment of dwarf galaxies in the early universe due to the common envelope jets supernova (CEJSN) r-process scenario, where a neutron star (NS) launches...
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    The aim of this paper is to discuss the mapping between FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) and TEI carried out to create bibliographic records and their...
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    Biological and chemical control of ochratoxigenic fungi in vineyards

    Aspergillus carbonarius is an important plant pathogen that affects the vine cultivation causing sour rot in grapes and producing ochratoxin A (OTA), a mycotoxin with...