198 items found

Types: dataset Tags: 39999 Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified 59999 Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified Inorganic Chemistry

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  • dataset

    Data and code for "Coral calcifying fluid aragonite saturation states derived...

    This file contains all the data and code for "Coral calcifying fluid aragonite saturation states derived from Raman spectroscopy" by DeCarlo et al. in Biogeosciences. Run the...
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    The purpose of this script is to merge a previously compiled list of all Opera Companies in the US with their corresponding IRS 990 or 990EZ data, if available.
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    Cómo grabar clases en vídeo

    En este vídeo describimos cómo grabar nuestra pantalla de escritorio, con su audio. Es el procedimiento que utilizamos para grabar nuestras clases y resulta de especial utilidad...
  • dataset

    GENT900000122888 - Recueil chronologique de tous les placards, édits, décrets...

    Titel: Recueil chronologique de tous les placards, édits, décrets, réglemens, ordonnances, instructions et traités, concernans les titres &...
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    README file for the global DMS and DMSPt fields derived with DMS-SAT Martí Galí Tàpias, 2019-02-06 Questions and requests can be addressed to:...
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    Supplementary Data 1

    Supplementary Data 1. Raw fossil data. Repository and Specimen indicate the collection in which specimen is held and its specimen number. Family, Subfamily, Tribe, Genus, and...
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    The Antarctic ice sheet iron source : a sensitivity study with a global ocean...

    Contains model data and freshwater fluxes from icebergs and ice shelves (used as forcing file to represent the Fe supply from the Antarctic ice sheet) of the study...
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    Additional data

    This repository provides the supplementary R code and data to reproduce the experiments in the following paper : "Highly accurate autonomic diagnosis of papillary thyroid...
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    Time series of Area mean TAS 40-year trend from historical to future in CMIP5...

    Time series of 40-year linear trend for the Arctic (ARC) and the Eastern Arctic (eARC) mean annual near surface air temperature (tas) for the period...
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    Datos Autores USTA Google Scholar

    Consolidado de los datos de las publicaciones de autores con filiación USTA (Colombia) en la plataforma Google Scholar. Parte del servicio de vigilancia...
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    This file contains the Raman data and code for "Similar controls on calcification under ocean acidification across unrelated coral reef taxa" by Comeau et al. in...
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    Dataset of FT23 Rottenburgh 4-key fagottino containing containing detailed external and internal measurements, photos.
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    Data archive: Niche overlap between a cold-water coral and an associated spon...

    Data belonging to the paper:  Dick van Oevelen, Christina E. Mueller, Tomas Lundälv, Fleur C. van Duyl, Jasper M. de Goeij, Jack J. Middelburg (In press) Niche...
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    Compilado y editado por Juan Alvaro Echeverri, v.3 (mayo de 2019) Este documento recopila las transcripciones de 8.693 grabaciones de palabras y expresiones de la lengua Nonuya...
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    The list of hyponym-hypernym pairs was obtained by applying lexical-syntactic patterns described in  Hearst (1992)  on the corpus prepared by Panchenko et al. (2016)....
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    YSI Data from Chalgrove Lake; 2019-05-30 to 2019-06-12

    # General Metadata for Chalgrove Lake YSI Data  ## Files Specific metadata for each deployment can be found as text files with the file format of:    ...
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    Data and code for Global change drives modern plankton communities away from ...

    Data and R code for "Global change drives modern plankton communities away from pre-industrial state" by Lukas Jonkers, Helmut Hillebrandt and Michal Kucera...
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    Experimental raw data for Learning about adsorption: thermal decomposition of...

    LICENSE: These data are made available under the Public Domain Dedication and License v1.0 whose full text can be found at: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/1.0/ This...
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    Visites L1 SCD de Tours

    Le SCD de Tours s'est engagé dans une réflexion sur la ludification des visites, proposées aux étudiants de L1, des bibliothèques...
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    Datos Scielo USTA (2002-2018)

    Consolidado de los datos de las publicaciones de autores con filiación USTA (Colombia) en la plataforma Web of Science / Scielo Colecction. Parte del servicio de...