314 items found

Types: software Tags: Biochemistry

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  • software

    Reprozip: 1.0.11

    (reprounzip-docker, reprounzip-vagrant, and reprounzip-vistrails didn't change) Bugfixes: Write timestamp in config with timezone offset Always fix up PATH on MacOS (to...
  • software

    psiTurk: An open platform for science on Amazon Mechanical Turk

    Patch to still be able to run non-aws commands without aws credentials
  • software

    Raspi-Camera Top-Down Plant Imaging (12X) Config V1.0

    Configuration for time-lapse top-down photography. This is a minor update. Two of the helper scripts now print progress indicator messages. All other changes were...
  • software

    HyperDualMatrixTools.jl: A Julia package to allow factorization and backslash...

    A little Julia module to allow factorization and backslash to work with hyperdual-valued arrays and sparse arrays.
  • software

    ReproZip: 1.0.10

    (reprounzip-vistrails didn't change) Bugfixes: Correctly escape shell commands containing backticks Overwrite tty prompt works correctly on Python 3 Fix /proc in...
  • software

    BART: version 0.2.08

    Changes: new tools: index poly wshfl zexp index: generate indices poly: generate polynomial patterns (Siddharth Iyer) wshfl: wave-shuffling (Siddharth Iyer) zexp: replace...
  • software

    Replication of certain details from J. P. Vila and P. Schniter: "Expectation-...

    This release completes the replication of certain details from the following paper by Jeremy Vila and Philip Schniter: J. P. Vila and P. Schniter, "Expectation-Maximization...
  • software

    pyGSTio/pyGSTi: Version 0.9.6

    A significant update which shifts pyGSTi's focus to multiple qubits. Previous version, treated 1- and 2-qubit systems as the "normal" case, and n-qubit systems as the "special"...
  • software

    bids-standard/pybids: 0.9.1

    Release notes Hotfix release: Fixed package deployment issues (#446) Updated author list (#447) Thanks to new contributors Erin Dickie, Chadwick Boulay and Johannes Wennberg.
  • software

    Artifact for paper: New Optimizations and Heuristics for Determinization of B...

    The archive artifact.zip contains the artifact for the paper: New Optimizations and Heuristics for Determinization of Büchi Automata It contains:  - the source code...
  • software

    chasemc/IDBac_App: B. firmus

    Testing Zenodo
  • software

    mavros_controllers - Aggressive trajectory tracking using mavros for PX4 enab...

    Aggressive trajectory tracking using mavros offboard commands for PX4 enabled vehicles
  • software

    Code For The Analysis Of Acoustic And Micro-Seismic Data Measured At Matterho...

    Python3 code used to produce Figures in the following publication: Weber, S., Faillettaz, J., Meyer, M., Beutel, J., and Vieli, A.: Acoustic and micro-seismic characterization...