90 items found

Types: publication Groups: figshare Open Access Tags: Medicine Plant Biology Science Policy Sociology

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    Connecting Researchers to Data Repositories in the Earth, Space, and Environm...

    The Repository Finder tool was developed to help researchers in the domain of Earth, space, and environmental sciences to identify appropriate repositories where they can...
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    This presentation was part of a seminar on research integrity in Forestry Department Göttingen, organised and held by Martin Potthoff (University Göttingen) and Sophie Graefe...
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    Engage or Comply? How we used our Resource List Framework and Talis reporting to work with academics to improve the student experience? The University of Roehampton approved a...
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    Towards an Ontology for European Poetry

    In this paper, we present the case of an ontology for the domain of European poetry. Given the fragmentary access to poetic resources (see González-Blanco & Selaf, 2014), an...
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    Impact of Privacy Law on National Research Data Repositories in South Africa

    A number of countries around the world have instituted privacy laws that relate to how personal information and data is governed. These privacy related laws can have unintended...
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    Getting started with research data management support

    Good Research Data Management (RDM) is a key component of research integrity and reproducible research. Consequently, more and more funding bodies, governments, research...
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    Análisis del acceso abierto en universidades. El caso UdeA

    Presentación sobre el acceso abierto en la Universidad de Antioquia, haciendo énfasis en el pago por APC en la Universidad
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    We report preliminary findings from an online study, identi- fying people’s attitudes toward privacy issues. The results confirm some of the previous research findings regarding...
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    Short presentation on data sharing policies, guidelines and services at the University of Birmingham held at the University of Birmingham Digital Research Conversations on 7th...
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    International Workshop for “Cyber-Physical Systems for PEdagogical Rehabilitation in Special EDucation (CyberSPEED)” as an EU Horizon 2020 MSCA-RIZE Project Date: June 3rd...
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    Introducing Objectification: when is an a ?

    Introducing Objectification: when is an a ?, a conference paper at TEI 2019, 16-20 September 2019, Graz, 18 September 2019   Introducing Objectification: when is an a ?...
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    QROWD: Because Big Data Integration is Humanly Possible

    We present QROWD, a project funded by the Horizon 2020 research programme, which aims at offering socio-technical solution to cross-sectorial Big Data integration in a European...
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    An assessment of the status of Open Access Policies and Repositories Developm...

    Academic institutions worldwide have embraced institutional repositories as a means to showcase their research globally. In Kenya, the majority of academic institutions with...
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    Vous trouverez ci-joint un support de cours d'introduction aux questions juridiques relatives à la propriété intellectuelle, aux droits voisins, aux licences, au droit à...
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    Pid Service Adoption

    This presentation describes how the uptake of persistent identifiers can be measured and gives an overview of the main results of the ORCID adoption study.
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    Farm poster Prieuré de Marcevol

    Planter des arbres: quel impact sur le paysage, sa beauté, sa biodiversité ?
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    Presentatie KB Webinar - Transkribus voor Nederlandstalige gebruikers (basis)

    KB Webinar - Transkribus voor Nederlandstalige gebruikers Transkribus is een programma dat het lezen van handschriften een stuk eenvoudiger maakt. Met behulp van dit programma...
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    Authorization Using the Publish-Subscribe Model

    Traditional authorization mechanisms based on the request-response model are generally supported by point-to-point communication between applications and authorization servers....
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    The Protean IR: Developing a versatile and decentralized repository through a...

    Columbia University Libraries recently released a new version of Columbia's institutional repository, Academic Commons. As we worked on the update, users asked for the ability...
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    SUMCASTEC_190915_NA_JNM19_Invited talk presentation_.pdf_Limoges_A. Pothier_P...

    Invited talk presentation entitled "Des ondes électromagnétiques peuvent-elles être utilisées pour identifier et neutraliser des cellules souches cancéreuses? Vers de nouveaux...