65 items found

Types: software Tags: code

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  • software

    Code/Data Release: Fast Multipole Method results, Development Of A Performanc...

    This archive contains the material required to reproduce the results for the PhD thesis "Development Of A Performance-Portable Framework For Atomistic Simulations".
  • software

    Resplandy et al 2018 - APO

    This is the code used to compute Atmospheric Potential Oxygen (APO) as described in Resplandy et al 2018. This version reflects the Authors Correction. Readme file describes...
  • software

    Supplemental material to 'Tri-linear model for the out-of-plane seismic asses...

    This repository contains the Matlab scripts needed to reproduce the results shown in the article: Godio, M., & Beyer, K. (2019). Tri-linear model for the out-of-plane...
  • software

    Code for a microRNA Conservation Bioinformatics Collaboration Between the Van...

    This code repository is a part of the the microRNA conservation bioinformatics collaboration between the Van Vactor Lab and Wall Lab, including Elizabeth M. McNeill, Todd F....
  • software

    Code for the paper "CHNOSZ: Thermodynamic calculations and diagrams for geoch...

    This is the code used to make the diagrams for the paper "CHNOSZ: Thermodynamic calculations and diagrams for geochemistry". This code depends on CHNOSZ version 1.3.2....
  • software

    Analysis pipelines included in "Conbase: a software for unsupervised discover...

    This repository contains the analysis pipelines included in "Conbase: a software for unsupervised discovery of clonal somatic mutations in single cells through read...
  • software

    Supporting Data And Code To 'Fuelling Conditions At Staging Sites Can Mitigat...

    Supplementary data and code to Rakhimberdiev et al. 2018. Fuelling conditions at staging sites can mitigate Arctic warming effects in a migratory bird. Nature Communications.
  • software

    Code for "The relative fitness of drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis: ...

    Code to replicate the work in "The relative fitness of drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a modelling study of household transmission in Lima, Peru" by Gwenan...
  • software

    rgeirhos/object-recognition: zenodo-sync-release

    First release to enable synchronisation with Zenodo. This repository contains code, data and materials for the paper "Comparing deep neural networks against humans: object...
  • software

    Open Computational Research Study - Example Study

    Example project to demonstrate a concept of how to share computational research openly meeting important reproducibility demands. To access the project, first make sure you...
  • software

    Code from the paper "Counterexample-guided Cartesian Abstraction Refinement f...

    The zipfile contains revision 837b876fa51d of the Fast Downward planning system (http://fast-downward.org). The code for counterexample-guided Cartesian abstraction...
  • software

    FUImaging: Neuroimage2014 release v2 - more improvements

    This package supplements our recent paper on automatic image segmentation using Non-negative Matrix Factorisation (NMF) [1]. This release adds bugfixes and adapts the regNMF...
  • software

    Artefact for paper: Semantic Labelling and Learning for Parity Game Solving i...

    This archive contains all code relevant to reproduce the evaluation of the corresponding paper.
  • software

    Code used for the paper "Cross-asset holdings and the interbank lending market"

    These are the Matlab files used for computing the results disaplayes in the article "Cross-asset holdings and the interbank lending market"(availalble at:...
  • software

    Kaytetye medial vowels: dataset and processing scripts

    Creating a v0.9 release to create an initial archived version at Zenodo and retrieve a DOI for citation. Please use a later version (e.g. v1.0+) if running code.
  • software

    asensio-lab/popular-sentiment-electric-vehicle-drivers-united-states: First r...

    First code release for "Popular Sentiment of Electric Vehicle Drivers in the United States"
  • software

    Residential Income Segregation: A Behavioral Model Of The Housing Market

    This is the code to replicate the results in Pangallo et al. "Residential income segregation: A behavioral model of the housing market"
  • software

    Role of the quasi-particles in an electric circuit with Josephson junctions (...

    This the codes and data used to produce results of the article Role of the quasi-particles in an electric circuit with Josephson junctions. It is a new algorithm to from...
  • software

    sebawild/nearly-optimal-mergesort-code: Experiments as discussed in paper

    This release fixes the state of the code as used for the experiments in the accompanying paper. Use this release to reproduce the results from the paper.