61 items found

Types: software Tags: Cancer Molecular Biology

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  • software

    ABC Analysis

    Analyses for the ABC
  • software

    Ncrncornell/Ced2Arspssreader: 1.3.0

    CED2AR SPSS Reader This project contains java classes that will allow you to read several versions of SPSS data sets. It modifies the code originally written by Pascal Heus...
  • software

    Colour 0.3.8

    Colour Science for Python Colour is a Python colour science package implementing a comprehensive number of colour theory transformations and algorithms. It is...
  • software

    Analysis pipelines included in "Conbase: a software for unsupervised discover...

    This repository contains the analysis pipelines included in "Conbase: a software for unsupervised discovery of clonal somatic mutations in single cells through read...
  • software

    digicademy/xtriples: 1.4.0

    A generic webservice to extract RDF statements from XML resources – https://xtriples.lod.academy (Release 1.4.0).
  • software


    Framework for clustering, phenotyping, pseudotiming and inferring gene regulatory networks from single cell data.
  • software

    A general proof certification framework for modal logic - Implementation

    This archive contains the lambda-prolog implementation of a general proof certification framework for modal logic
  • software

    Poly-(3-hexylthiophene) Model and Code for Molecular Dynamic Simulations

    Here we present files necessary for simulating our united-atom poly-(3-hexylthiophene) model in molecular dynamics. The input file "P3HT_Blends.py" acts a wrapper...
  • software

    Snakemake Workflow Archive: Bioconda Paper

    This archive contains the Snakemake workflow used to produce the results presented in the Bioconda publication, along with all required input data. See...
  • software

    CLARIAH/grlc 1.1

    grlc is a lightweight server that takes SPARQL queries curated in GitHub repositories, and translates them to Linked Data Web APIs. This enables universal access to Linked Data....
  • software

    Csu 1Dvar -- Gmi Warm Rain Retrieval

    Supporting information for publication on a variational retrieval of warm rain from the GMI sensor aboard the GPM satellite. Enclosed are two output data files as well as...
  • software

    Replicate package for ICST 2020

    This is a replicate package for sharing tool and dataset together with a research paper submitted to ICST 2020.
  • software

    TractSeg pretrained weights - endings_segmentation

    Pretrained weights for TractSeg for output type "endings_segmentation".
  • software

    goat-project/goat: 1.0.0

    Go Accounting Tool  goat version 1.0.0 The Goat is a service that is running in the background and waiting for a connection from a compatible client. Once the server...
  • software

    UTokyo-mip/mipplot: First Beta release

    Public repository for mipplot tool.
  • software

    Data and outputs for Selene manuscript case 2

    Case 2: Developing a new architecture and comparing performance across architectures. chromatin_profiles: ENCODE and Roadmap Epigenomics profiles used in DeepSEA (Zhou &...
  • software

    GNU Astronomy Utilities

    GNU Astronomy Utilities (Gnuastro) is a collection of programs and libraries for astronomical data analysis. Its main tarballs are hosted on gnu.org, but each version is also...
  • software

    ChristianLanger/eml-profile: EBV-EML-Schema

    Version v0.5 of the EBV Metadata Profile XSD schema. Version v0.5 is focused on species-level EBVs, especially on the species populations EBV class, and maybe equally...
  • software

    Ocean model of Protactinium, Thorium and Particles (ProThorP)

    ProThorP [pɹoθɔrp] is a model of thorium, protactinium and particles.  More specifically, at the moment, it is a conceptual model that describes, and a numerical model that...
  • software

    ABC Analysis

    Analyses for the ABC