1,538 items found

Types: software Tags: 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified

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  • software

    Pergola: Boosting Visualization And Analysis Of Longitudinal Data By Unlockin...

    This repository contains the mouse-pergola-reproduce pipeline source code and results produced for the "Pergola: a new paradigm for longitudinal data...
  • software

    Artifact for paper: New Optimizations and Heuristics for Determinization of B...

    The archive artifact.zip contains the artifact for the paper: New Optimizations and Heuristics for Determinization of Büchi Automata It contains:  - the source code...
  • software

    Gcube 4.2.1 - Gcube Invites Widget V. 1.3.0

    The gCube System - gCube Invites widget -------------------------------------------------- gCube Invites widget Widget is a GWT Widget that can be used to automatically send...
  • software

    Matlab code to compute Marangoni stress in a 2D foam described by Princen's m...

    Matlab code to compute Marangoni stress in a 2D foam described by Princen's model, corresponding to the equations fully described in the article "Marangoni stress...
  • software

    gCube 4.5.0 - Resource Registry OrientDB Hooks v. 1.2.0

    The gCube System - Resource Registry OrientDB Hooks -------------------------------------------------- Resource Registry OrientDB Hooks This software is part of the gCube...
  • software

    Scratch templates to teach clustering and neural networks

    The files here are the K-means and Neural Network exercises for a workshop of Artificial Intelligence for high school students. They are developed in Scratch graphic programming...
  • software

    appleseed 2.0.0-beta (November 2018)

    appleseed 2.0.0-beta Full release notes: https://github.com/appleseedhq/appleseed/releases/tag/2.0.0-beta appleseed is an open source, physically-based global...
  • software

    Gcube 4.1.1 - Encryptionlibrary V. 1.0.2

    The gCube System - EncryptionLibrary -------------------------------------------------- A collection of Encryption utilities This software is part of the gCube Framework...
  • software

    Supplementary code and data to paper "ESD Ideas: Propagation of high-frequenc...

    This is the supplementary code and data for reproducing results as they are presented in Figures 1A-D of ESD paper by M.Y. Verbitsky, M. Crucifix, and D. M. Volobuev "ESD...
  • software

    mavros_controllers - Aggressive trajectory tracking using mavros for PX4 enab...

    Aggressive trajectory tracking using mavros offboard commands for PX4 enabled vehicles
  • software

    Gcube 4.2.0 - Gcore Stubs V. 1.2.2

    The gCube System - GCore Stubs -------------------------------------------------- JAXWS Stub Support for gCore Service This software is part of the gCube Framework...
  • software

    Gcube 4.0.0 - Rrmodel V. 1.9.0

    The gCube System - RRModel -------------------------------------------------- Resource Registry Model This software is part of the gCube Framework...
  • software


    protfasta is a simple, robust parser for working with FASTA files. It is pure python and has no external package dependencies other than Python language modules. This DOI...
  • software

    PyHillFit - python code to perform Bayesian inference of Hill curve paramete...

    PyHillFit Initial release This is the initial release of PyHillFit to co-incide with a Wellcome Open Research article. The main github repository can be found at...
  • software

    berndporr/limbic-system-5ht: pre-release

    This is the first release of the simulator which accompanies our paper with the same title. The paper itself will follower shortly as a pre-print.
  • software

    Model package from: Mapping Atlantic rainforest degradation and regeneration ...

    This model package contains the R codes for Windows of the image segmentation algorithm called U-net used in the article. As I don't own the rights to publish the...
  • software

    GAIA-UNIL/G2S: G2S_v0.95

    A flexible MPS framework, including Quantile Sampling (QS) and Narrow Distribution Selection (NDS)
  • software

    gCube 4.6.1 - Resource Checker Smart Executor Plugin v. 1.1.0

    The gCube System - Resource Checker Smart Executor Plugin -------------------------------------------------- Resource Checker Smart Executor Plugin This software is part...