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Types: dataset Groups: Open Access Tags: Cancer

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    Underlying data for the paper Nickschick, T., Flechsig, C., Mrlina, J., Oppermann, F., Löbig, F. & Günther, T. (2019): Large-scale electrical resistivity...
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    Sentinel data

    Time and epoch indexed (rows) classifications of sleep/wake for each individual (columns).
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    Lying Down on the Job? Repeat Mitraclip after Previous Clip Migrates to an Un...

    Lying down on the Job? Repeat MitraClip after Previous Clip Migrates to an Unusual Position
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    WMD and PC values for the thalamus for the entire sample
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    This R script contains the code that generates simulations, distills output, and draws figures. All other files in this archive (except for WNSBats_PowerLaw.R) are output of...
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    Additional file 5 of Stimulator of IFN genes mediates neuroinflammatory injur...

    Additional file 5: Supplementary Figure S3. Effect of C-176 and CMA on the viability of BV2 cells. *P < 0.05 versus control group.
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    Molecular data used in analyses of prokaryotic community composition

    See README file included in the zip archive.
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    Get Outer Core Angular Momentum

    Get Outer Core Angular Momentum Set of code (written in Matlab R2017) used to model the outer core's angular momentum from surface deformation (GPS) data, based on the...
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    MOESM1 of Cholera hotspots and surveillance constraints contributing to recur...

    Additional file 1. Number of cholera reported cases and deaths by region and cholera risk factors.
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    An integrated framework for the identification of potential miRNA-disease ass...

    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play an important role in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human complex diseases. Predicting potential miRNA-disease associations could provide...
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    AIC model selection table and associated coefficients for Hammond’s flycatcher 2013 for all initial occupancy models. Column names for the model coefficients use the following...
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    MOESM2 of Indications for adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with AJCC stage I...

    Additional file 2: Figure S1. Comparisons of OS between Adjuvant Chemotherapy patients and non-Adjuvant Chemotherapy patients in SEER database.Log rank = 0.0001.
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    Archive contains data in 3 .csv files and ReadMe.txt, which describes the data files. Data comprises measurements of advertisement call parameters from male Teleogryllus commodus.
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    Additional file 1 of Dry needling for spine related disorders: a scoping review

    Additional file 1: Table 4.1. Complete Data Cervical Region. Table 4.2. Complete Data TLP Region.
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    MERGED clean pruned set of SNPs MAP

    This file contains the SNP position data in the Plink 'map' format for the 74876 SNPs after filtering and LD pruning. See Table 1 in the manuscript
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    Tracheostomy and long-term mortality in ICU patients undergoing prolonged mec...

    IntroductionIn critically ill patients undergoing prolonged mechanical ventilation (MV), the difference in long-term outcomes between patients with or without tracheostomy...
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    Samples' stacks are matched to the catalog to create a matches.tsv file for each sample. We counted the matches to the catalog to find the depth of each locus in each individual...
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    raw data for AFLP loci, mass traces, glucosinolate concentrations, herbivore survival and population-based measures