2,115 items found

Types: publication Groups: figshare Open Access ZENODO Tags: Medicine Science Policy

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    Bridging information gaps between producers and consumers to develop more div...

    Keynote speech at the European Conference for Crop Diversification held in Budapest in September 2019
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    A native iPad app for the DSpace 7 REST API

    This is a native iPad app for DSpace 7 repositories, built using the new version of the REST API. The app also runs on iPhones, but this is not recommended for most use cases...
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    1. National Coordination Point for Research Data Management in the Netherlands

    How do we deal with the explosion of data we are facing in education and research in the Netherlands? How can we store all this data so that it remains accessible for reuse,...
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    Terceiro Setor: captação de recursos e desenvolvimento institucional

    Organizações sem fins lucrativos devem atuar como organizações modernas, usando-se de ferramentas contemporâneas para atuar em favor de seus objetivos sociais com perspectivas...
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    Standard Khmer Vowel System: An Acoustic Study

    Previous acoustic studies of Khmer Language (Henderson 1952, Thomas & Wanna 1987-88, Ratree 1998, Woźnica 2009, Kirby 2014) did not concentrate on the Phnom Penh dialect as...
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    DITOs D4.5 Final Event 'Participant Journey' Presentation - Cindy Regalado, U...

    This presentation outlines the DITOs participant journey and was used to introduce interviews with  Adam Timlett, Roland van Dierendonck, Mark Langtry, Pen-Yuan Hsing, Bernard...
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    The Turing Way: Reproducible, Ethical, Collaborative Data Science

    Kirstie's training for Turing doctoral and induction students on 25 September 2019. Not all slides are available as some contain links to shared notes that are not designed to...
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    Automating repository workflows with Orpheus, an Open Source database of jour...

    Repository management relies on knowledge of numerous attributes of academic journals, such as revenue model (subscription, hybrid or fully Open Access), self-archiving...
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    Reproducibility Fast Track: Sprint, Leap of Faith, Hurdles, and Long Distance

    Improving the transparency, reproducibility and efficiency of scientific research is a laudable goal and one that has been receiving widespread attention as of late. This panel...
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    Slide of the Euphresco project 'Assessment of Dickeya and Pectobacterium spp. on potatoes and ornamentals' Project funded through the Euphresco network
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    Vernetzung durch Normdaten - Die Gemeinsame Normdatei und das BEACON-Verfahren

    Die Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek enthält Basisinformationen zu Personen und weiteren Entitäten wie Geografika und stellt dafür jeweils eine...
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    Polar Codes for Terabit/s Data Rates

    A presentation on Polar codes for Terabit/s Data Rates, which was given at the International Symposium on Turbo Codes and Iterative Information Processing 2018 (ISTC 2018), in...
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    The Matthew Effect In Open Science

    The existence of a “Matthew Effect” (a feedback loop where (dis)advantage tends to beget further (dis)advantage) in science has long been recognised. In 1968, Merton[1] proposed...
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    Paper presented at the I International Congress Humanism, Human Rights and Global Citizenship, ULHT, Lusófona University, Lisbon, 30, 31 May and 1 June 2019.  
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    Das BMBF-geförderte Projekt OLH-DE hat zum Ziel, konsortiale Modelle für die Förderung von Open Access insbesondere in den Geisteswissenschaften im deutschsprachigen Raum...
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    Guidelines and Environment to Support Sustainable Software Development at DLR

    Research software is often developed by scientists who are domain experts. Most of them have no specific education in software development. At the German Aerospace Center (DLR),...
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    Erstellung Eines Historischen Korpus Mit Mehrebenenannotation

    Im DFG-Projekt "Entwicklung der satzinternen Großschreibung im Deutschen" wird ein Korpus aus frühneuhochdeutschen Hexenverhörprotokollen (Macha et al. 2005) erstellt. Im...
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    University of Kassel: Mikropolitik - Aylin Dalkiran

    Attached, you will find a presentation of a seminar at the University of Kassel concerning the topics police and micro politics. It's about playing games in police structures...
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    Anodic oxidation of nickel foam in molten KOH for supercapacitor applications...

    This project is receiving fund from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement number 764977
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    Konzeptuelle Überlegungen für den nachhaltigen Umgang mit Dokumenten der öffentlichen Hand gezeigt am Beispiel eines Open Access Repositorium der österreichischen Raumplanung....