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Tags: Developmental Biology Infectious Diseases

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    Genes with up-regulated expression found in samples derived from cow mammary gland parenchyma infected with coagulase-positive Staphylococci in 3rd or 4th lactations (CoPS-3/4)....
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    Omega-3 supplementation in patients with sepsis: a systematic review and meta...

    Abstract Background Nutritional supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids has been proposed to modulate the balance of pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators in sepsis. If proved to...
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    Associations among left ventricular systolic function, tachycardia, and cardi...

    Abstract Background In sepsis, tachycardia may indicate low preload, adrenergic stimulation, or both. Adrenergic overstimulation is associated with septic cardiomyopathy. We...
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    Additional file 2 of Detecting signals of seasonal influenza severity through...

    Historical CDC documentation of past influenza seasons. Table of qualitatively-assigned severity categories and surveillance system text descriptions drawn from Centers for...
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    Controllable Columnar Organization of Positively Charged Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Choice of Counterions
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    Additional file 2: of Professional learning needs in using video calls identi...

    Further information on ethical considerations, (ii) recruitment email for health professionals (DOCX 26 kb), and (iii) recruitment for bereaved volunteers (PDF 184 kb). (ZIP 192...
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    Classification of substandard factors in perinatal care: development and mult...

    Abstract Background Perinatal audit is an established method for improving the quality of perinatal care. In audit meetings substandard factors (SSF) are identified in cases of...
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    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Encephalitis associated with human herpesviru...

    Microbiological assessment performed on the patient’s samples. (ODT 19 kb)
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    Additional file 2: of Case report: severe asymptomatic hyponatremia in Prader...

    Time-line summarizing the clinical course of the child described in this case report. (PPTX 76Â kb)
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    Additional file 6: of The human disease network in terms of dysfunctional reg...

    154 related pathways in Allergic asthma, Type 2 diabetes and Chronic kidney disease. (XLS 49 kb)
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    Additional file 11: of The human jejunum has an endogenous microbiota that di...

    J. Illumina abundance summary file. Distribution of microbiota from raw Illumina file. (CSV 88Â kb)
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    Number of papers which used statistical methods reported the method used and ...

    †Statistical methods described in materials and methods section of paper.‡Standard error of the mean, confidence interval, standard deviation or other error measurement.*70%...
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    MOESM2 of Bioinformatics studies of Influenza A hemagglutinin sequence data i...

    Additional file 2. Complete sequence data of the hemagglutinins identified as leading to recombination-like events listed in Additional file 1 and Table 3 are included as text...
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    Changes in neutrophil motility in burn patients.

    Average neutrophil motility in individual patients was measured at 48 hours intervals after admission to the hospital. Lower values for neutrophil migration speed compared to...
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    Additional file 2: of CpG site methylation in CRYAA promoter affect transcrip...

    Row data of qRT-PCR for CRYAA after Zebularine treatment, Experiment 1, Part 2. It is the rata data of part 2 of the first experiment described above. (XLS 2440 kb)
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    Knowledge of obstetric danger signs and associated factors among pregnant wom...

    Abstract Background Knowledge of danger signs of obstetric complications is first step in the appropriate and timely referral to essential obstetric care. Although women’s...
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    Access denied at <i>The Journal of Infectious Diseases</i>

    Access denied at The Journal of Infectious Diseases
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    A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled study of roxithromycin and dox...

    Abstract Background Azithromycin prophylaxis has been shown to reduce COPD exacerbations but there is poor evidence for other antibiotics. We compared exacerbation rates in COPD...